Saturday, June 30, 2012

They are fishing people from the water and the government don't appear to care.

The political infighting goes on and on and nothing is solved.

fishing for fish is fun. Fishing people from the water is a nightmare for the ones involved on all sides.
This is proof our government on either side of politics you align your self to  have no idea on what to do with this ever increasing serious situation.  Lives are being lost while they fight over words a million miles away from where it is happening.  Keeping these people in another country who has not signed the United Nations treaty on the treatment of refugees is NO solution to this problem.  The fellow that suggested this in parliament needs to sit down and have a very good long look at himself.  He is shameful and stupid.  Proof they give this very little real thought.

They are seeing people as commodities and not as humans who have endured so much suffering they embark on a leaky boat in the promise of a safer life.  Is it too much to ask.  We take so few here in Australia in comparison to the other countries who have a refugee policy in place.

Once again I have to say that I am not a proud Australian citizen.  This is shameful behavior by our politicians who are just people like you and me.  What makes Julia the boss. She is a freak and she hasn't got a clue about strategy.  She could not organize our own people let alone deal with the culture of others.  She is not a mother and because of this she is lacking the full understanding of what it is and what it takes and how it effects a family on an emotional level.  These people are all people with children. Julia hasn't got a clue when the truth is boiled down.  She is winging it and she is doing a very bad job!

Image by Mezza - Urunga fishing in  less traumatic times.
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Friday, June 29, 2012

Indigenous and human rights groups have condemned the rushed passing of the Stronger Futures legislation through the Senate in the early hours of this morning.

I oppose the legislation namely " Stronger Futures".  I am ashamed that our government have taken a step  back in time and think this is the answer to the problems by highlighting what a mess they have already left behind with useless legislation in the past.

Vincent Forrester says the situation in the community of Mutitjulu, south-west of Alice Springs, has deteriorated since the Intervention and will only get worse under the Stronger Futures laws.
"I am calling on all Aboriginal Territorians for civil disobedience," he said.

SAM 7570 - Great woman
I love you Aunty!
 Mutujulu has many strong woman who oppose this legislation and this is restricting the entire community from itself.  I agree with Vince Forrester and we need to rise up against this and try to fight this policy on the ground!

Image by Mezza - Aunty Allison and Suzie while we were at Uluru
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

The rain falls because the cloud can no longer handle the weight.

The tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.

IMG_2404 Diamonds
Rain drops
Tears are the rain of our lives and on every plain a little rain must fall.  We shed tears to allow for growth in our spirit and a release for this just as a seed needs the rain so do we need the balance of tears in exchange for the fears we feel and release these back to the universe in love.

Image by Mezza - The delicate drops of rain on the succulents

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The past cannot be changed, forgotton, edited or erased....It can only be accepted.

IMG 5297 Golden silence
Walking out to master my own fate
 Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul..........William Ernest Henley

Image by Mezza - The footbridge in particular golden light this dawn
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

~ William Ernest Henley ~  
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears..
Being responsible for ones self and navigating life with all the smarts you inherited or learned along the way is now well frowned upon in our mad horrid society of which we live amongst.

The majority have given way to thinking the government actually cares about them.  Some politicians even believe they are helping.  I am not crazy but I have come to understand that the conspiracy theory's of which there are many are usually true.  Our government is a suck back government and I cannot respect them.  They will come and lock me up for saying the stuff I say about Julia.  It isn't personal it is political and I am sitting in judgement of them all. 

I am not insane.  They are insane.  Who uses that much of our ground water for mining and gets away with this openly.  Our government says this is perfectly legitimate use.  Julia Gillard has to be a freak, as it most certainly isn't alright to use this water and actually, I want this to cease from happening.  I want to go a few rounds with them over this use of sacred waters.  It has to be legally wrong and it should be contested.  I cannot waltz into the Catholic Church and just take a big white candle just cause I want one or think I want one.  It would be handy but guess what?  The candle isn't mine.  But if I took it then is that not exactly the same as the government allowing the mining company to just take the candle cause they can?

Image by Mezza -  The now derelict posts that once supported a diving platform last century.
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Monday, June 25, 2012

Life maybe short but there is always time for coutesy!

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Hello! I am a courteous and handsome bubba..
Emerson points out a valid situation with this quote.  Life being the smaller number of years we have compared to our ancestors of past times who lived for so much longer than us.  However,  he says that no matter how long you live there is always time for courtesy. 

I think there is always time for someone else and common courtesy is such a sweet delight to come across when you are out in the world.  I  am not bragging, and I am not feeling chuffed, but I want to say that I love to look for situations like this.  If I see and elderly person drop their parcel, or a coin from their purse, I reach down and retrieve it.  The energy transfer that occurs at that precise moment is tangible.  It is a genuine buzz feeling inside.  This is real and not fabricated.  The energy transfer is also real and measurable.

I can only assume that being courteous and kind to your fellow man is a base function innate in us as human beings.  It feels like it is a healthy thing that is occurring inside of me when it happens.  I feel energized and wonderful.  I feel like love is spraying from my head.

 Do others feel this sort of thing?  I don't talk about it openly to others, perhaps I should.   I worry it does sound a little silly to break the situation down this much.   These are the things that I puzzle over and I wonder how it all takes place.  We are electric beings  and the sky above us is electric and the particles all around us are electrically charged.  We emit energies and we are susceptible to energy.  This makes our bodies sing or hum if you like.  I described it earlier as a buzz.   My body resonates and this is a sound that I can't hear and you can't either, but it is there!  The earth has a resonate  frequency of around 7 Hz.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all.

Emily Dickinson

IMG 3255
Yes Major!
“Through humour, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.”  Bill Cosby

Hope and Humour..  Time and Patience ... This lot ought to hang out together because they make great mates.  They compliment each other beautifully.  These are the things I ask the universe for in the vibration of light that is flickering all around me everywhere I walk this earth.

This little fellow was very happy to come down in the tree close to me and have a good chat about not much.  We made funny sounds together and he was happy.  I was happy too, I felt like he came down to purposefully say hello.   When the animals and birds do this it is a very defining moment when you realize we really are all connected.  I must not lose hope and continue to forgive somewhere in there.

Image by Mezza - Major Mitchell Cockatoo

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I am not a proud Australian, and this is a shame... a government shame!

The philosophic spirit of inquiry may be traced to brute curiosity, and that to the habit of examining all things in search of food.
~ W. Winwood Reade (1838–1875) ~


  We come from ancient beginnings of hunting and gathering.  We took only what we needed for our family and ourselves.  There was a beautiful balance about this way of doing things where nature is concerned. 

Presently farming practices and mining practices have slumped to a level of degradation that is a shame and a blight on the people of the planet and especially Australia.  If I could walk out there and stop them I would.  I would be shot.  This is our civilization and I am not proud. 

I am not a proud Australian while ever the treatment of the indigenous people continues the way it does.  I am not a proud Australian while ever  the holes in the ground that are left like ugly pock marks on the skin of our land continue to scar her.  I am not a proud Australian while we use 35,million litres a day of ancient ground water for mining practices!

Xavier Rudd sings about this same thing in his new single Spirit Bird - Taking blood and Land.

Image by Mezza - Small craft under the bridge at Urunga
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Friday, June 22, 2012

Search well and be wise, nor believe that self-willed pride will ever be better than good counsel.

First things come first.
It is a well visited place this one pictured above. Hungry Head is just down the road from Urunga.  It is the first headland south from the mouth of the river opening at Urunga.   The headland is certainly one of my favorite places to go and to look over the massive ocean laying on the Earth before me expanding as far as my eyes can see. 

I have seen whales from up here, Hungry Head is a great place to see these ocean sweethearts as they travel up the coastline in front of us on their special journey to mate and have  their babies somewhere in the vast oceans of the planet.

Lots of surfers come to here to check out the surf conditions as its a top view up and down the coast from here.

Image by Mezza - A swell discussion on the cliff.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

A womans highest calling is to lead a man to his soul, so as to invite him with source. Mans highest calling is to protect woman so she is free to walk the Earth unharmed.

Cherokee Proverb

IMG 4052 To the Promise Land
The road to Gleniffer NSW
I am blessed to have this archetypical type man to watch over my every move.  My partner is the most caring and loving individual on this planet.  He is also so unique how he shows this love to me.  He would have to be one of the kindest people I have ever known.  Brice  is fair and firm.  He heaps love upon me in ways that make me light up inside.  I feel very loved.

Our old Gleniffer House
Today he is sending us off on a little journey not far from home, out to near where we used to live at Gleniffer.  I had such a wonderful time with the children and it was the most magic place to live.  We moved into town when Montana was nearly six years old.  I suppose she would remember it the least.

Atalanta my friend and myself are  heading to talk to the trees and just tell them we love them and lay a few things out in front of these guys,  I am so happy to be going to do this.   I want to feel this love from the Earth.  I know this will change my life forever.  It is one of those days, I can feel it in my bones.

Image by Mezza - Turn off to Gleniffer / Gleniffer Road and Roses Road corner.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Vitamin D directly from the sun, is an excellent healing agent.

The most excellent light.  The full spectrum beaming into my  body through my eyes at dawn.

Me and the Earth share everything in common.  This is a connection to ancient practice.  This is a full blown injection of colour into your body.  Colour in the form of vibration is a healing practice handed down and almost extinguished by Roman tyrany. 

Always make sure your shadow is at least three times you're height when you commence or practice  this.  The UV is 0 at this time and therefore not dangerous as falsely preached in the circles of flat earth science that is mindlessly swallowed without question.

Image by Mezza - Sungazing in Urunga NSW

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

“You can no more win a war that you can win an earthquake”

Jeanette Rankin.
0199 Huge Rock formation cental Australia
Mt Conner... evidence of ancient ground shaking events
Victoria experienced and  earthquake near Moe of a 5.5 mag on the richter scale and I hurt my arm as the new moon went gracefully into Gemini.  Cute since Gemini is my sun sign and I must be careful of my arm especially.  I hurt it looking at the ocean for any seismic action east of me.

Mr Adam Pascale is Head of the ES&S Seismology Research Centre in Victoria
“This was a fairly significant earthquake event. The epicenter was 10 kilometres west of Churchill in Victoria, about 120 kilometres south-east of Melbourne. At this stage we’ve measured it as a magnitude of 5.5, which is about the same size as the significant Newcastle earthquake of 1989, which was magnitude 5.6. The difference is that this event didn’t occur in a highly populated area.
Tonight’s earthquake was felt strongly in the surrounding towns of Moe, Traralgon, Trafalgar, Churchill and Warrigal. It was also felt all throughout Melbourne and as far as Bendigo. There are also unconfirmed reports that it was possibly felt as far as Sydney.
At least one smaller aftershock has been recorded and we’ll be expecting aftershocks for some days and possibly weeks to come. We can’t rule out an equivalent or larger event in the sequence. There is no way to predict the magnitude of earthquakes to come.”

Image by Mezza -Mt Conner NT.
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Government is an association of men who do Violence to the rest of us.


Julia is such man isn't she.  She doesn't want to get married or to bear children.  Does she seem like the fitting person to tell me how to be a  parent?  No.  Most assuredly and definitely not. I think she is a beast of a woman with very little heart.  She is cold and calculating and cocky.

The challenges of parenting today are complex in a  changed society lacking support.  There are far less close family relationships left  for support because the general makeup of "Family" has been eroded away with government directives of change around family and marriage.  They make you think its ok, there is a financial reason behind all decisions these soldiers of evil make.

Part of the Company
This is still relatively new to us.  We are meant to have each other and our family.  Quite purposefully our society has eaten away the very fabric of its makeup with evil from the hands of no other than the Roman Catholic church of Rome.   They are the owners of our many evil systems.  The systems bind us up into slavery and illness and debt and powerlessness. 

If you don't understand this,   listen to the exact words of Eusebius who was the doctor to Constantine in 325. He said,
"We shall introduce to this history only those events that are useful to ourselves and afterwards to posterity and how it maybe lawful and fitting to use falsehood as a medicine and for the benefit of those who want to be deceived."   The catholic church's Motus Operandie is to openly
"Deceive those who want to be deceived." 
 The bible is still Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.  It is a very special book containing occult theology perverted by the Romans to use against us as inhabitants of this earth.  The Christos oil flows inside of us and they don't to this day want you to realize these truths.  They know all of the holy and real truths and they use a perverted form against us. They disarmed our personal power with the education systems they implemented and we allowed this.  They destroyed all of the temples of the  true sciences so as to make this planned transition against us easier.   In the early days you were just killed if you disagreed with Rome.

Image by Mezza -  Church in Morpeth NSW.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

“I can be changed by what happens to me. but i refuse to be reduced by it.”

Maya Angelou

IMG_2404.1 My love in a drop
Raindrop on the cactus with Bricee's reflection.

But how it changes me is the part that is up to me.  I can let it drive me to do the things that any child would be proud of their mother doing.

I go out before dawn and photograph, I edit and I write and I cook and clean and I study.  I  love deeply and have a huge passion for music.  Because of this I have a radio show where I am a radio programmer and its a drive time show called Melonpop Drive.

I have a wonderful garden and many successes with lots of experimentation with plant cuttings.  We have two pets and we are absolutely responsible pet owners.  I dance.  I create and I still make the  best cakes going.   I also make many other things really well as well.  I am now very independent.  I enjoy my day's.

I also miss my children every day.  Whether or not they speak to me makes no difference from the beginning when Matilda went away in 2005.  That is such a long time ago for a daughter to not talk to her mother.  What did I do?  Why does she see me this way?  These are the questions that I ask the universe to provide the answers to.  The universe knows.

Jesse isn't talking to me for a different reason and there is no connection with the two situations.  For me however there is a mighty connection.  I cannot talk to my children and this always pains my heart greatly.  Montana said she cannot understand it and she is so hurt also for us all.

Universe please shed light into the darkness because where there is light then darkness flees immediately.  I want light shed onto all of these situations and I want vindication from all of these major misunderstandings that have occurred some because of other people  that is well evident.   Mary Peters

Image by Mezza - A droplet of water with Brice's image in the water.
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

“Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character.”

Arthur Ward

Atalanta at Valla

The world needs more people to see this.  My friend above is a true leader and she sees this as well.  The indigenous people are also joining in this meditation to bring about the new age that is all but upon us.  There are huge CME's due to come in onto the planet any day now too.  Hope the computer is fine through this if it effects this area of the planet at strike time.

CME's are Coronal Mass Ejections from the sun.  My friend the sun who keeps us all alive with every wave of electromagnetic energy that is reigned down upon us.  With out this we are dead in the water.

Image by Mezza - Atalanta at Valla Beach Caves

Friday, June 15, 2012

Want to know what is really happening in the world?

The world we live in today is a very different world to the times of the past.  We are so hooked up to all of this technology we talk about and use in our daily lives, ie the internet.  If you are reading this, then at this point we still have internet.  I get increasingly concerned about the space weather knocking the entire planet off the electricity grid so to speak.   Well wouldn't that change things around the world dramatically.  Think about this for a good while.  Think what a modern world with no electricity would be like.  Something from a horror movie is what I expect.

Strangled on South Arm

I feel prepared in a way.  I guess it is because I have lived a lifetime without this stuff and therefore I understand.  I grew up in a house that never had an electric stove, we had a wood fire.  The fire heated the hot water.  We had no washing machine either.  I watched Edith do the washing each day faithfully and do the big stuff in the Copper once a week over the fire.  Oh yes I remember this well.  I remember my green hula hoop and playing with it while Edith did the washing. 

So does this mean we may re visit this again in this lifetime of mine?  Who knows but some very educated amongst us say we will.  I have my seeds,  and amazingly enough I still have my many boxes of real books.  So many times I was tempted to lose these.  A voice inside tells me to hang on to these for now.  I often wonder will the kids love my books the way I have loved my books!  I do hope that Montana is set up in her own home when my passing time comes.  She will love my books but if she isnt set up it will become a burden to her.  So for her I hope she is settled.

West Coast Acid:
Temperature Extremes:
China Spy:

Spaceweather: [Look on the left at the X-ray Flux and Solar Wind Speed/Density]

HAARP: [Click online data, and have a little fun]

SDO: [Place to find Solar Images and Videos - as seen from earth]

SOHO: [SOHO; Lasco and EIT - as seen from earth]

Stereo: [Stereo; Cor, EUVI, HI - as seen from the side]

SunAEON: [Just click it... trust me]

SOLARIMG: [All purpose data viewing site]

iSWA: [Free Application; for advanced sun watchers]


RSOE: [That cool alert map I use]


Gamma Ray Bursts: [Really? You can't figure out what this one is for?]

BARTOL Cosmic Rays: [Top left box, look for BIG blue circles]

TORCON: [Tornado Forecast for the day]

GOES Weather: [Clouds over America]

INTELLICAST: [Weather site used by many youtubers]

NASA News:


Always Check the Foreign News Sources as well!!!
Iran: Mehr News, TehranTimes
China: Xinhua,, Chinadaily
Russia: Ria Novosti
Israel: Jerusalem Post, Israel National News, Haaretz
M/E: ArabNews, AlJazeera

Image by Mezza - A strangled tree on South Arm Road Raleigh South /
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.

~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Finally the sun shines after what seems days of rain.  Was it great to see this? Yes, it was because finally I could get some early morning rays into my body.  I love the sunshine at dawn.  In the image above I was standing at the base of Uluru at Dawn, my favourite time of the day.  I felt more than connected to the universe in this moment and during the time I spent with the Anagnu people.

Because I have great respect for the various vibrations and resonating energies that are about me, I had to make some changes around our house.   So yesterday we moved the lounge room around so as to freshen the energy in the room.  It was the last room to do.  I love cleaning so it was a lot of fun re arranging things in new places and re grouping and going over scraps of paper, one of my  bad habits.  If only I could pick up my book and write my varied scribbles then it would be so much easier to find what I am looking for usually.  Endless song lists and phone numbers with no names attached.  This is another bad habit.  I write these numbers down and neglect to add a name lately and this is such a pointless affair.

Today the Uluru images numbering approximately 10 gig were fully collated for the film maker.  I did most of this yesterday but I abandoned the job in favour of furniture re arrangement.  So with a fresh mind I finished it off today.  Tyrone can take the images and put together a show for Uncle Tom and his friends who helped him get to Uluru and realise his life's dream.

Image by Mezza - Mary realising one her life's dreams looking at Uluru

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In war, truth is the first casualty.

aquariusAquarius (Photo credit: dolce_luna)~ Aeschylus ~

This Piscerian age has been an age of War and warring.  It is nearly over.  At the end of this year we swing into an totally new age.  The age of Aquarius will finally be here and the warring age of Pisces will finally be over.  However it does not seem to want to go without a fight, excuse the pun there.  Syria has now announced it is in full civil war again.  This is daunting.  The Zionism and the fight over installing extreme Islam is the reason for this.

Hillary Rodham Clinton (Wellesley College)Hillary Rodham Clinton (Wellesley College) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Hillary Clinton said the Russian move - sending helicopters to Syria - would escalate the conflict in Syria dramatically. She said the US had confronted Russia about its arms shipment to Syria but Moscow insisted that the arms were not being used internally against people.  But can you trust Hillary Clinton or the USA government?

 You can bet you're last rarzoo that the USA is concerned because Syria won't compete with their money handouts and because there is oil there.  I do not want to hear of more war.

Our children have had enough and so have all of the children of the world.  I think the children of the world should unite to fight against WAR ever being a possibility.  I vote for children to take us out of this mess.  I vote we think out of the box.  Children have no concept of war when they are born.  This is the most outrageous thing to keep inflicting upon innocent people who cannot defend themselves.

It is Wednesday here and I hope that we can change the united consciousness of this planet to a place of peace.  I will continue to go before the sun with an expectant heart in the mornings and bring my plea to the ancestral beings high up and hope they here my hearts call.

9038 - Waiting
Anaan looking our over the ocean in Port Macquarie
Image by Mezza -Anaan ( Montana's sweet heart) in Port Macquarie

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music.

~ Rumi ~

IMG 1368.2 Police
A chopper gets about like a Dragon did
With one voice every ancient culture insisted that our world was once a much. different place.  This is a fact that I cannot deny.  I became more interested in Dragon's when my son Jesse David William Baldwin was born under the sign of the Dragon in 1988.

This isn't anything unusual for me to do.  However, I was not ever really satisfied with what I had found.  I decided to trust my instincts then once again and go to a quiet place and try to see what it may have been like.  What I saw was this, I saw that dragons were very possible and that in ancestral times things were not of the scale we see today on the planet.   The place was inhabited with a certain amount of people who were giant in size.  These people are said to be the Nephilim.

If you clicked that link you will see the many skeletal remains that have been found which is evidence of this giant race of people.  The statues in Egypt that depict huge men.  I think they are actually life size statues.  I think people were that large and they were the offspring of the Elohim.  In Genesis it talks of this as well. 

The Dragon

Perhaps there is no better example of an unexplained mythical thing  than that of the dragon or serpent. This remarkable creature with origins in the prehistoric times has no counterpart in the biological world and yet it was remembered on every habitable continent and persisted across millennia into modern times.  Nothing in nature today will explain the dragons long flowing hair, fiery breath, beard,  it's twin whiskers, its wings or effusive feathers or its global occurrence as twins or its global association with light. 1000's of years after its prehistoric birth the monster still continues to linger in human fantasy, it will not go away!

But ask yourself this simple question;. How did the dragon archetype arise with out provocation and should we not wonder if uniquely  modern prejudices are the primary reason the mystery remains unsolved?

Image by Mezza - The rear end of the police chopper

Deputy Premier Paul Lucas of Queensland held a Gas forum in Dalby (Hansard)

IMG 2358 Another Australian Shame - Tara Gas Hub QLD.

Back in 2008 there were major concerns by farmers re Access Agreements, FIFO workers, Environmental Damage, QGC Running rough shod over Farmers in the Surat Coal Basin aka The Darling Downs.  Some four years later we were fully aware of what was happening.  

IMG 2354 Another Australian Shame - Tara Gas Hub QLD.

The 1800 number on the sign above is not available even if there was an emergency.

From Hansard - Tuesday, 25 November 2008 - Page: 11338
Link to Hansard Page 

Mr BRUCE SCOTT (10:36 PM) —I rise to talk about the Surat coal basin, which lies largely in my electorate of Maranoa and floats up into the edge of the electorate of Flynn. I want to talk about a forum that was held in my electorate last week in the town of Dalby, that was organised by the Deputy Premier, Paul Lucas. I think that in a large part the Deputy Premier was responding not only to the calls of organisations such as AgForce and to those of local mayors but also to the forum that I held and had invited the Deputy Premier and Minister Wilson to in July this year.

Some of the concerns that landholders have in relation to the development of the coal seam methane gas and the coal industry—the mining exploration for coal in the Surat coal basin—are the issues of access to their land and, if there are resources below the soil, how those resources will be accessed. Quite apart from that, there are large environmental issues that many landholders are still concerned about. The Deputy Premier, Paul Lucas, did come to the forum. He addressed the meeting, as did the local mayor. He was welcomed in a very cordial manner, as were all the attendees at the forum, many of whom were perhaps not invited but turned up because of the real concern in our community with regard to the access arrangements to the coal seam methane and the resources below the soil, mainly coal.

The Deputy Premier did announce some changes that he would bring forward in relation to the access arrangements, including a code of practice. This is long overdue, but it will certainly make a difference in relation to negotiations between mining and gas companies and the landholders. Up until the last month it has in many ways been a bit ‘Rafferty’s rules’. There has been angst in the community. There has been a lot of anger expressed to my office and to me, and at meetings that have been organised by AgForce and other community groups there has also been real anger. It did appear to me that a lot of the companies felt that they had a divine right to go onto people’s land and that they had primacy over the title deed holders.

Whilst they might have a right to the mining of the resources below the soil, they certainly need to do a lot more in public relations and dealing with people’s property, particularly in relation to access arrangements when people are trying to conduct a business on that land and also in relation to any possible compensation that those landholders could gain from a negotiated outcome between the coal seam methane gas company and the landholder. So I look forward to seeing the results of that code of practice and I hope it will go a long way towards easing some of the confusion and anger that has been in the community.

The day before the forum I attended the Queensland Gas and Sunshine Gas installation just south of Chinchilla, which is now being taken over by British Gas. It is interesting. The CEO of British Gas was out here to meet with the workers and to look at the plans for the development of that coal seam methane gas south of Chinchilla. Their proposal is to prove up enough gas, take it to Gladstone and convert it to LNG for export. That is going to be a terribly important resource for the whole nation. It is interesting that British Gas are now a capitalised company on the publicly listed stock exchange in London and are actually worth more than BHP. That will give you some idea of this global company that has come into my electorate and has made a friendly takeover of Queensland Gas and Sunshine Gas.

One of the important aspects of the coal seam methane operation at that installation just south of Chinchilla is that the people who work in that industry are local people. They are people who live in the towns of Wallumbilla, Surat, Chinchilla, Miles and Roma. They are not fly in, fly out, so some of the wealth that is coming from below the soil is, through those wages and salaries, being felt and a benefit is coming to our local communities. I do not have time tonight, but I will return to talk about global food security and the issue of prime agricultural land. (Time expired) 


ANSARD - Tuesday, 26 October 2010 - Page: 1642

Mr BUCHHOLZ (9:50 PM) —I rise in the House to draw the attention of my colleagues to some matters which affect my electorate. I note that I have received advice from the Queensland Farmers’ Federation and wish to acknowledge their contribution in this speech. The minister has recently announced approvals for liquefied natural gas facilities at Gladstone. This is the downstream outlet for the coal seam gas which will be extracted from my electorate of Wright and other electorates in regional Queensland. This decision will likely trigger other coal seam gas projects throughout the Surat Basin. The rapid expansion of the industry is outpacing science and frightening landowners on whom the properties and the well heads are being constructed. While the agricultural industry does not wish to stand against developments that support a diverse economy, concerns remain about the slow planning process surrounding coal seam gas, particularly in light of the myriad scientific details that remain still under debate.

Just last week, AgForce and other groups called for a moratorium on coal seam gas. The Queensland Farmers’ Federation raised the prospect of a moratorium six months ago, indicating there was a strong argument for government to adopt precautionary principles with coal seam gas development, given the government has been willing to quickly do this for other areas of state planning. The farming and rural interests want a fair policy for strategic cropping land in Queensland. Without appropriate safeguards there is potential for damage to farmland, underground water, and the environment. The risk is now heightened following the approvals for the liquid gas facility at Gladstone.

These concerns were exacerbated early last week with reports that testing in eight exploratory wells near Miles had revealed traces of BTEX chemicals—that is, benzene, toluene, ethylene and xylene. While these traces were small, it demonstrates the importance of protecting agricultural land and rural residents who rely on underground water for stock and domestic consumption. Repressurisation and connectivity of underground reserves cannot be guaranteed but need to be taken seriously.

We do not want to see a repeat of the proposed Murray-Darling Basin plan. The water minister has indicated in this place that he has ordered a review of the Water Act legislation in relation to the Murray-Darling overview and I would urge him to widen that review to include the impact of coal seam gas on regional Queensland’s underground water resources. We need to know whether the Water Act can actually deliver on the triple bottom line aspirations that good policy would require.

It seems curious that at the very time the minister has approved the coal seam gas projects we have also seen the launch of the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, which I will refer to as the alliance. As I said in my maiden speech, my electorate contains some of the most productive agricultural land in Australia—the Lockyer Valley and Scenic Rim districts. Given its close proximity to major markets, this farmland represents a strategic resource which goes to the heart of our food security.

The alliance has been launched with a view to cementing Queensland’s position as an international leader in tropical and subtropical agriculture and food research. The alliance is a new institute of the University of Queensland, which runs its Gatton campus in my electorate. We need to know whether the minister’s approval for coal seam gas projects has taken this initiative into account. Under the alliance, plant, animal and food scientists will work together to develop new technologies and practices to benefit these important industries.

It is hoped that the alliance will strengthen Queensland’s collective capacity to deliver high-impact research and development outcomes in areas that will not only benefit Queensland industries, but will also put Queensland on the map as a world leader in tropical and subtropical agriculture and food research. The range of research to be undertaken at the alliance is extensive and highly industry focused The outcomes are expected to return millions of dollars to Queensland agriculture and food industries in the future. Therefore, I urge the minister to take these matters seriously and provide some assurance to my electors that their interests are being considered. In summary, I would urge the minister to widen the review of the Water Act legislation in relation to the Murray-Darling overview to include the impact of coal seam gas on regional Queensland’s underground water resources.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

Monday, June 11, 2012

The wetter the day, the drier the humor"

It is like this on wet day's.  Especially wet public holidays,

IMG 1273 Ouote the Lamp

I get totally enthralled with social media and research.  I find many fine people there to talk to and communicate ideas and knowledge.  I am not the polished individual though.  I am me.  As I said I am M E  or Emmie some call me.  I love to joke with others and I love to banter for fun.  All just for fun and to bring a smile.  I smile a lot so I want others to feel this as well.

Well I haven't done much today either except study as much as possible like each other day has been for months now on end. Day and night has been a constant search.  We are experiencing strange weather once again in Australia, lots of strange cloud formations up and down the east coast.  Earthquakes in Australia has to be considered weird.  This sort of thing is usually  reserved for other continents.  I experienced an earth tremor when I was a child in Stanthorpe and the window's rattled but that is it for me.   Tamworth felt this one though it was only 3.5 on the Richter scale.   The south of Western Australia is experiencing the most violent storms in fifteen years and the south of here has been having record winds. Here in Urunga  we are just wet (and weird)  here.  The town is half torn down and looking like a bomb hit the place.  This is due to lots of rebuilding on the agenda.  But all of this looks worse wet.

It is Helen's birthday today, she is 64 today.  I called her to wish her happy birthday and to thank her for my birthday wishes also.  It is always good to talk to Helen.  She was having a fine day of food and friendship and staying tucked up and dry.  We are all going to get together soon for our birthdays as usual as we do each year.

Tamworth Earthquakes:

Club Urunga Opens:

Image by Mezza -  A sign in a window, very nice
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws"

 "Such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly.
The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph.
Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower — escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher.
Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." 

 The Kybalion.

IMG 1482.1 Looking

It has been another day of learning and researching.  Not much different to any other day,  except for one thing.   Today Danny Wilton of Starscream / put up a very simple explanation to clear things up and it was perfect.  It is how I looked at things.   I didn't get that big out of proportion.   I tend to use the word symbiotic because that is how it is for me.  I see everything we experience as symbiosis.  I also see that I do have some amount of control over my mind.  Every thought has a positive or negative charge.  Kerry Riley taught me this twenty seven years ago.  I understand that we can control the mind.   I may not have done this myself but  my children's father walked on fire.  He did this a few times and I witnessed this and so I believe this capacity we are capable of without hesitation.

I saw how walking on fire which other's perceive on the mental level as impossible became possible.  It wasn't something that occurred immediately.  It took many many hours of preparation and meditation before such feats could be achieved.  One had to be very sure that there were only two things in existence in their mind  which is in this plane.  Fear and Love.   Fear is what makes the fire burn you.  It was pretty awesome stuff and I am glad that I was part of this at the time.  I am glad to understand that they had to not fear the fire but love the fire for this to be possible.   I felt special just being the wife of someone who understood this principal.  I was still full of fear myself and didn't dare try it.  This is kind of typical of me though.  It didn't stop me from understanding the lessons though.

Watch Danny's Video explaining the kybalion here:

Today I will look at this much closer.  I need to escape the pain of the lower vibrating area's of my life. I will escape its dangers by moving closer to nature and feeling the joy that nature brings to me.  Seeing  the oceans waves moving and never stopping.  Knowing that this earth is alive from the very ground we stand on to the water we consume - all alive.  This pulls my vibration away from the lower ebb.  I feel a tingling inside of myself as I feel the Earth's heartbeat inside of me at the same time.  And a smile returns to my face and a lightness into my step.

Everything vibrates.  The vibration of love is the highest of these.  It is my responsibility to bring the ship back on course if I get lost on the high sea's.  No one is going to come get me accept nature itself and to achieve success here I would have to accept the laws of nature for what they are, law.  I have to understand how I got where I was and accept my fate for my decisions.  I see a lot of blame going on.  If blame is to be leveled anywhere it needs to be leveled at the Romans two thousand years ago.  They basically scammed those people who blindly accepted everything without question.  The ones who did question payed with their lives.  Because it was a numbers game, this is made  easy as there were always more of them than us.

IMG 1482.1 Looking
In my own life I like how things have changed so dramatically and that I no longer mix with the people who were vibrating so low it used to hurt me.  I am an empath and so it was a challenge for me alone.  I was only able to do this successfully because the male counterpart of this relationship namely Brice, told them to go away.  Now I am not bothered by them at all.  These types are what some call spiritual vampires.  Energy suckers.  They take and take and take and never ever have much of a thought other than for themselves.  I just had to learn how to detach from this and still love them from a distance.

  I would see it big for them and in turn they would see it small for themselves.  This puzzled me.   I see now, that no two people on the planet see anything the same.  That is part of the divine nature of everything too.  This uniqueness of everything and yet it all fits together in such a way.  We may live in the mental and be governed by this but there is nothing stopping us from pushing the limits of this and using our own telepathic powers to think and see the positive and bring this into existence through affirming out loud with voice ( it has a charge too) what we intend to happen and to understand always that in order to bring about change it must be done in the vibration of Love. 

I have always believed in speaking anything I desire into existence.  Cathy (my friend) calls this conjuring.  It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.  When it doesn't work I trust that the universe is unfolding as it should and that this was not the right time and to never lose heart because I am only synchronizing and it will come to pass at the correct time for anything else to occur along with this .

I have been told for many years by the correct helping individuals the way to my own heart healing is to be good to myself.  If I continue to place my person in the firing line of such people then I am the reason I guess.  I am a slow learner and this has taken a lot of time.  I understand now how most of this works. Stay away from them and their negative influences.  Yes!, just like electricity these  have a negative charge that comes with those feelings and so I need to get the positive charge not the negative.  I need to be built up and not torn down.  From here on in for the next year things will turn around for me.  I have done the hard yards  and now I will not rest yet but more so I  will actively wait for this to manifest in my life and the lives of others close to me.

A brick placed in the wall is all that is required and the rest will take care of itself.  This is a proven fact for me.

I feel very drawn to break into song here.  The Last Kinnection from Newcastle sing a song called "Are we There Yet".  I guess I am drawn to this at this minute because I am always wondering if we are there yet?  Because everything we see here in this life is a mental construct and we have to follow rules we have live inside of this to function ok while we are here.  There is nothing wrong with recognizing the divine paradox that is playing out at the same time at a higher level.  Stay safe everyone.

A Link to the Kybalion-

Image by Mezza - Looking through the gate near the Pilot House in Urunga

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Saturday, June 09, 2012

If I only knew your name I’d go from door to door Searching all the crowded streets For the place that I once saw

Mystery Jets - Young Love 2012

IMG 1653 A Blue Angel
Blue Angel
I saw this car on the way home from the movie that Montana and I went to see and as soon as I saw this car I was immediately taken back to when I was just two years old and standing behind the wheel and calling out to Jack who was under the bonnet. 

I was saying to him, "Call it a barfard daddy and it will go".  I had heard him calling the lawn mower a bastard and then it would start so consequently I thought the word bastard has some magic connotation.

The memory of me doing this is still so clear in my mind that I remember every detail of this.  I remember way too much for a small child to  have remembered I think.

Any way the movie Promethius was not as good as I thought it would b.  It was a little bit of a disappointment  3 stars out of 10 I am afraid.

Image by Mezza - A Blue Angel in Urunga