Thursday, June 14, 2012

They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.

~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Finally the sun shines after what seems days of rain.  Was it great to see this? Yes, it was because finally I could get some early morning rays into my body.  I love the sunshine at dawn.  In the image above I was standing at the base of Uluru at Dawn, my favourite time of the day.  I felt more than connected to the universe in this moment and during the time I spent with the Anagnu people.

Because I have great respect for the various vibrations and resonating energies that are about me, I had to make some changes around our house.   So yesterday we moved the lounge room around so as to freshen the energy in the room.  It was the last room to do.  I love cleaning so it was a lot of fun re arranging things in new places and re grouping and going over scraps of paper, one of my  bad habits.  If only I could pick up my book and write my varied scribbles then it would be so much easier to find what I am looking for usually.  Endless song lists and phone numbers with no names attached.  This is another bad habit.  I write these numbers down and neglect to add a name lately and this is such a pointless affair.

Today the Uluru images numbering approximately 10 gig were fully collated for the film maker.  I did most of this yesterday but I abandoned the job in favour of furniture re arrangement.  So with a fresh mind I finished it off today.  Tyrone can take the images and put together a show for Uncle Tom and his friends who helped him get to Uluru and realise his life's dream.

Image by Mezza - Mary realising one her life's dreams looking at Uluru

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