Now that is an interesting name for a school. It was a school of Philosophy in Ancient Greece. The schools teachings were from its founder Aristotle who was a Greek philosopher.
The school originally derived its name Peripatos (Greek: Περίπατος) from the peripatoi (περίπατοι, "colonnades") of the Lyceum in Athens where the members met. A similar Greek word peripatetikos (περιπατητικός) refers to the act of walking,
and as an adjective, "peripatetic" is often used to mean itinerant,
wandering, meandering, or walking about. Wiki read more here
After the death of Aristotle it became known that he was a "peripatetic" lecturer. All this meant was that he wandered around while he spoke and taught. Interesting word though with it being so close to sounding like someone was saying "Very Pathetic" with a lisp instead it is 'Peripetetic'.
"Spangenberg - Schule des Aristoteles". Licensed under
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - jpg#/media/File:Spangenberg_-_Schule_des_Aristoteles.jpg
coeternal with God and shining in the divine Mind, gave God the
pattern... by which he laid out the world so that it might be best and
most beautiful and finally most like the Creator” - Johannes Kepler
The name of Metatron's Cube makes reference to Metatron, an angel mentioned in apocryphal texts including the Second Book of Enoch and the Book of the Palaces. These texts rank Metatron second only to the Abrahamic God in the hierarchy of spiritual beings. wiki
Fibonacci ... and the golden ratio 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987
Who is UBER? What do they do? Looks awesome to me.
Uber Technologies Inc. is an American international transportation network company
headquartered in San Francisco, California.
The company develops,
markets and operates the Uber mobile app, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars. By 28 May, 2015, the service was available in 58 countries and 300 cities worldwide. Since Uber's launch, several other companies have copied its business
model, a trend that has come to be referred to as "Uberification". Wiki
So you just need to sign up and send off your driving documents and get the app and your away. I would think this would be genuinely interested if I lived in the city.
Ok- so Uber is real. I have worked 2 weekends in a row since I started 10 days ago. I did 110 trips at about 5min./3...
Posted by David Andrew Bryson on Monday, 1 June 2015
"I do not pretend to be a prophet. But though not a prophet, I see a
very dark cloud on our horizon. That dark cloud is coming from Rome. It
will be filled with tears of blood. It will rise and increase, till its
flanks will be torn by a flash of lightning, followed by a fearful peal
of thunder.
Then a cyclone such as the world has never seen will pass
over this country, spreading ruin and desolation from north to south.
After it is over, there will be long days of peace and prosperity; for papery with its Jesuit-ism and merciless inquisition, will have been
forever swept away from our country.
Neither you, nor I, but our
children will live to see these things. "
Abraham Lincoln 'From page
115, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by Rev. Charles Chiniquy.
Symbols flow like rivers through cultures:
They migrate with people, and as they are used, adopted, and adapted they pick
up layers of meaning, like water picks up elements from the ground over which
it travels. ~Michelle Snyder ~
Today I have been going over some of the faerie tales since the early hours, Grimms Faerie Tales. Now I am seeing the wisdom of the Divine Female and the Divine Male in these stories. They have many levels and at first glance one is highly likely to miss this. If one is intuitively looking, they will see the wisdom hidden in these stories, some very ghastly as they teach the moral. Our fall from divinity was very grim as we fell and asleep and forgot who we were and why we were all here.
The swan / bird symbolism is connected to the Cygnus constellation and the varied mythology surrounding the cosmic egg mythology.
Thyalwaysseek's Video "The fingerprints of Divine Man - Orion Draco and Cygnus"
"On a clear day, the towering white peaks of the legendary Popocatepetl
and Iztaccihuatl volcanoes can be seen from the great metropolis of
Mexico City. Rising beyond 17,000 feet in elevation, these two majestic
mountains offer the viewer a breathtaking sight. Snowcapped year round,
the well-known landmarks have captured people's imaginations throughout
the ages. Located just 45 miles southeast of the nation's capital, Popo
and Izta, as many affectionately call these two volcanoes, share a story
that reaches back into the mists of time.
Geographically, these two
glacier-iced volcanoes represent the second and third highest mountains
in Mexico. The name Iztaccihuatl in the indigenous Nahuatl language
means "White Woman" and the mountain actually includes four peaks, the
tallest of which reaches 17,158 feet. Many see her silhouette as
resembling that of a sleeping woman, complete with head, chest, knees
and feet. Iztaccihuatl is an extinct volcano and is a popular
destination for adventurous mountaineers and hikers.
Popocatepetl is
the taller of the two mountains, reaching an incredible 17,802 feet in
height. Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl are connected by a high mountain
pass known as the Paso de Cortes. Popocatepetl is still active with the
volcano having spewed smoke and ash as recently as 2001. In the Nauhuatl
language Popocatepetl means "Smoking Mountain" and as we shall soon
see, was aptly named.
In Aztec mythology, the volcanoes were once
humans who were deeply in love. This legend features two star-crossed
lovers (Divine Tribe), the young brave warrior Popocatepetl and the
beautiful princess Iztaccihuatl. The father of Iztaccihuatl, a mighty
ruler, placed a demanding condition upon Popocatepetl before he could
take Iztaccihuatl as his bride. His mandate required that Popocatepetl
first engage in battle against the tribe's enemy and return victorious.
Variations of the legend include the added stipulation that Popocatepetl
needed to return with the vanquished enemy's head as proof of his
The story continues with Popocatepetl setting off for
battle with Iztaccihuatl waiting for her beloved's return.
Treacherously, a rival of Popocatepetl's sends a false message back to
the ruler that the warrior has been slain when in fact, Popocatepetl has
won the battle and is ready to return to his Iztaccihuatl. However, the
princess upon hearing the false news, falls ill and succumbs to her
deep sorrow, dying of a broken heart. When Popocatepetl returns
triumphant to his people only to encounter his beloved's death, his
heartbreak is inconsolable.
He carries Iztaccihuatl's body to the
mountains whereupon he has a funeral pyre built for both himself and his
princess. Grief-stricken beyond measure, Popocatepetl dies next to his
beloved. The Gods, touched by the lover's plight, turn the humans into
mountains, so that they may finally be together. They remain so to this
day with Popocatepetl residing over his princess Iztaccihuatl, while she
lay asleep. On occasion, Popo will spew ash, reminding those watching
that he is always in attendance, that he will never leave the side of
his beloved Izta"
This is another myth that shows the Divine Twin
Souls will be separated when they descend down the cycle of the Great
Year. The Mountains they return to when she dies represent Kether while
the funeral pyre represents rebirth and resurrection like the Phoenix.
The Gods turning them into Mountains represents them in matter as they
sleep, there are Greek myths that are very similar to this story too.
Alcyone and Ceyx is another myth where they are turned into after they
are separated by death and the Gods turn them into Kingfishers to be
together showing in the Aethereal form they are always connected...
I look forward to the day that Aboriginal people don't have to argue about Flags anymore. The flag as such is something that pertains to the Monarchy and its Maritime departments (ships).
All over the world these days everything has a flag of some description. He is a short description of the flags of the Aboriginal Nation and The Torres Strait Islanders Flag both pertaining to Australia.
I was unable to take my eyes off what I was seeing. What I was seeing in my news feed was a miracle that the surfer lived to tell the tale.
Mick Fanning who hails from Australia is the current world surfing champion and as he prepped to catch his first wave for the final series, all of a sudden here is the world champion being dragged off of his board by a gigantic shark while he desperately struggled to stay with his board. The a wave rose up and he disappeared from sight. Those few seconds he was missing seemed like minutes. Then his head appeared and so did the clean up team who hauled him onto the jet ski.
Mick Fanning's mother watched the entire incident live on her television in her lounge room. This must have been a great shock for her to see her son like this. She said she was terrified when she was interviewed.
The speed of the clean up team on their jet skis was like lightening as well. Everyone is talking about this miraculousness and every one I have spoken to is as speechless as I am.
Fanning when interviewed after his close encounter with the giant said he was unsure whether he would ever enter the water again or ever compete in another surf competition again. Other surfing mates think this will change and that they felt Mick was in a state of shock and that he will change his mind.
Personally, I think that is a wise choice Mick. It is not our domain no matter how we see the ocean. When you get a wake up call like that was, its a game changer for sure.
Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser has made a radical call for Australia to break its alliance with the United States and become a “strategically independent” country.
In his new book Dangerous Allies, released today, Fraser warns that the ANZUS treaty – as now interpreted - might be the biggest threat to Australia’s security, rather than its major protector.
Strategic independence would mean ending the US presence in northern Australia, part of the American “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific region, and closing the Pine Gap facility, which he says nowadays could be used almost in real time to target weapons systems.
Such a stance would necessitate Australia spending much more on defence but it would not be caught up in any future conflict between the US and China. “If a war between China and the United States were to occur with a continuation of current policies, it would be very hard, if not impossible, for Australia not to be involved.”
Fraser was a strong advocate of the alliance when he was prime minister between 1975 and 1983, but argues that the end of the Cold War has transformed the international situation and also that American values have changed with the growth of its view of “American exceptionalism”.
Fraser’s bottom line is that if conflicts break out Australia should be in a situation where it has a totally open choice about whether it goes to war.
He believes the alliance took Australia into costly wars, including Vietnam (when the US did not share some vital information with Australia), and especially Iraq, where the result “is, and was always going to be, disastrous”.
He rejects the option that Australia should simply tell the US it would no longer automatically follow it into future conflicts because “we are too closely ‘intertwined with US strategies and plans. Australian facilities are too heavily involved”.
Fraser admits the US would take “the strongest possible exception” to moves such as closing Pine Gap within five years.
“Every pressure would be exercised on an Australian government so that the United States would maintain strategic control. We would need to resist such pressures and make it clear that, in our view, the risks of a strategic alliance with the United States, of being forced into a war that was not in our interest, were so great that we had to cut the ties.”
Writing a forward to the book former Labor foreign minister Gareth Evans says some of Fraser’s judgements, such as that Australia should have been a much more independent and less subservient alliance partner in recent years, were unarguable.
“Others – in particular, his conclusion that we should now go it completely alone – are much more problematic.”
Fraser traces Australia’s stance of “strategic dependence” from the country’s earliest days – first, dependence on Great Britain, and then on the US, of which it is now “strategic captive”.
“I discount direct threats to Australia as a result of strategic independence,” he writes. “It is strategic dependence that provides the greatest problem to our future in the region.
“Indeed, the current interpretation of ANZUS by Australian leaders is paradoxical – it might be the biggest threat to our own security despite it being presented as the guarantor of our security.”
Fraser does not see China as a source of future danger unless it is provoked unreasonably. “Such provocation could come from the United States, from Japan or, much less likely, from a flare-up in the South China Sea. It would be a major advantage not to be tied to the United States in such circumstances,” he writes.
“An independent Australia could act much more effectively in concert with other Western Pacific countries, on the one hand to avoid flashpoints and points of danger, and on the other to promote initiatives that would do much to maintain continuing peace throughout the region.
“Yet, as part of the American network, we would not be able to take such action. We would merely be regarded as a surrogate voice of America and therefore wield no true influence.”
He says that a strategically independent Australia would still share a great deal with the US. “Strategic independence does not mean ending our relationship with America and cutting out ties. It does mean having a different relationship, a more equal one in which we can feel free to say no or offer a differing opinion.”
Tim Forcey, University of Melbourne Cold weather has arrived in eastern Australia, to the glee of those who enjoy skiing. But you don’t have to venture onto the slopes for cold to be a danger. With gas prices rising, many in the community are shivering while contemplating how big their next gas bill will be.
Eastern Australia’s gas market is rapidly changing, driven by the first exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Queensland. And this is affecting the whole supply chain, from gas producers, to the way we use gas in our homes.
Gas was cheap, for decades
In Victoria, South Australia, and through to New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania, gas has long been viewed as the preferred fuel for many applications - from industrial uses right down to warming our lounge rooms. Since the discovery of the massive Bass Strait oil and gas deposits off Victoria in the late 1960s, gas consumption across eastern Australia grew, decade after decade.
But despite these discoveries and growing production, the resource companies involved were often frustrated. While global crude oil prices went up and up, eastern Australian gas prices were stuck in the 1970s. Gas consumers enjoyed access to some of the cheapest gas in the developed world.
On the other hand, gas producers dared not complain too loudly. They often considered this gas nearly a waste product – interfering as it did with the speed at which the far more valuable crude oil and LPG could be drawn from the ground. If eastern Australia had been another jurisdiction such as Nigeria or North Dakota, this nuisance gas could have been quickly disposed of by flaring or venting. However, with some foresight, Australian industry regulators have generally discouraged such wasteful and environmentally damaging practices.
Faced with this constraint, what were the resource companies to do? Unlike crude oil, gas is costly to ship to the more lucrative markets in Japan and Korea, first requiring liquefaction at temperatures as low as minus 160C. Creating new demand “sinks” for gas in-country was one strategy. Pipelines were built to connect up all of the eastern states. Still, this “domestic” gas languished at a sales price far below that of crude oil.
Coal seam gas arrives
Then in the first decade of this century came the realisation that coal seam gas (CSG), located mostly in Queensland but also in New South Wales, could be produced in quantities far exceeding the demands of the staid domestic market, by a factor of three or more.
Following the examples of Western Australia and the Northern Territory, the only option for gas companies was to invest billions of dollars in, at last, building the first liquefaction and export facilities on Australia’s east coast.
For legacy gas producers, even those not directly involved in the LNG-export decisions, this was the dream come true. After decades, a buyers’ market rapidly shifted to become a sellers’ market. Where previously buyers would remind producers they would be happy to take that “waste product” off their hands, producers could now inject into supply contract negotiations the spectres of “world-parity pricing” and “high CSG production costs”.
Nowhere in the world had it ever occurred where an established, reasonably large domestic market, serving customers ranging from large industry to millions of homeowners, was suddenly eclipsed by the mammoth export-focused LNG industry.
Eastern Australia gas demand peaked - three years ago
Even before the launch of the first LNG export cargo from Queensland late last year, major gas buyers raised concerns about future gas costs and contractual availability. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is examining transparency and barriers to competition in the gas industry.
When the New South Wales upper house held an inquiry into gas supplies earlier this year, it gave us, at the University of Melbourne Energy Institute, the opportunity to present our analysis of declining future gas demand in that state. Now Victoria’s upper house is likewise having an inquiry where we will present aspects of our extended research into gas supply and demand across all of eastern Australia.
The eastern Australian gas market has experienced significant upheaval and will continue to change over the next ten years. Data from the Australian Energy Market Operator indicates that the volume of gas used in eastern Australia peaked three years ago.
Gas demand will continue to decline across all sectors. In the electricity-generation sector, with rising gas prices, the abolition of the carbon price, and a surplus of coal-fired generation, gas will only be sparingly used. The Australian Energy Market Operator is also forecasting a steep drop in the amount of gas used by industry.
Do try this at home: fuel-switching from gas to electricity
The amount of gas used in buildings will also decline. As we shiver here in Melbourne, how would you like to reduce your heating costs by up to, say, 70%? If interested, you have to do two things: (1) turn your gas heater to “off” and (2) turn your reverse cycle air conditioner to “on” – on heating mode of course!
Infrared image of wall-mounted air conditioner producing heat at 50C.Tim Forcey
In my home we did that for the first time this winter. Our savings are remarkable, though not surprising nor different to what others in the community are reporting. As an example, during two particularly blustery days I found I could comfortably heat my house one day with gas at an energy-only cost of A$4.80 and then do it the next day with my air conditioner at a cost of just A$1.50. Our savings across the full heating season will add up to hundreds of dollars.
Results in other homes will depend on factors including what you pay for electricity and gas, the efficiencies of your gas heater and air conditioner, where your heat sources are located within your home, and individual comfort and convenience preferences. But it should not be long before word gets out to the 4.4 million Australian homes that already have at least one reverse-cycle air conditioner.
Previously I reported on the similarly large savings possible by using an efficient heat pump to heat water, especially if you have excess self-generated solar electricity. Add an induction cooktop and there is no economic need to connect gas to most Australian homes. Businesses are springing up that offer “all-electric” home conversions” to people interested in making the switch.
Collectively, homes are large consumers of eastern Australian gas. This coming “second-era of Australian home electrification” will have a big impact on gas and electricity supply-demand dynamics over the next decade.
Scientists at the LHC (large hadron collider) / CERN have made a new
discovery. They have observed a rare particle combination (called a
“pentaquark”) for the first time.
“A pentaquark is a hypothetical type of subatomic particle consisting of four quarks and one antiquark bound together.
As quarks have a baryon number of +1⁄3, and antiquarks of −1⁄3,
it would have a total baryon number of 1, thus being classified as an
exotic baryon. By contrast, regular baryons (or ‘triquarks’)—which also
have a total baryon number of 1—consist of three quarks.
The name
pentaquark was coined by Harry J. Lipkin in 1987,
although the possibility of five-quark particles was identified as
early as 1964 when Murray Gell-Mann first postulated the existence of
Although predicted for decades, pentaquarks have proved surprisingly
difficult to discover, and some physicists were beginning to suspect
that an unknown law of nature forbids their production.
The first claim of pentaquark discovery was recorded at LEPS in
Japan in 2003, and several experiments in the mid-2000s also reported
discoveries of other pentaquark states.
However, others were not able to replicate the LEPS results, and the
other pentaquark discoveries were not accepted because of poor data and
statistical analysis.On 13 July 2015, the LHCb collaboration at CERN reported results
consistent with pentaquark states in the decay of bottom Lambda baryons
The United Kingdom, just like the USA and Australia are now facing the same situation with the "Frack Attack. The people of the United Kingdom like us here in Australia, are concerned for their countries underground water supplies and the prospect of Fracking damaging these precious water reserves.
In Australia it is clear that aquifers have been pierced and damage has occurred in some places already. The only reprimand to these corporations is a tiny fine. A fine - a fine of money. Seriously, do these governments think we believe that type of reprimand will stop anything? The answer is a clear No. It is occurring still as a fine is a false reprimand. The drilling corporations ie Halliburton are absolutely aware of what they are doing and they have prepared ahead of time the statements to the press regarding any flack on the frack.
The governments and the corporations are laughing at us while we all run around like headless chooks doing everything that is humanly possible to stop this.
Dr Ingraffia is a leading spokes person against fracking, he was in the industry for over 20 years and now speaks out about the dangers this is posing to all water reserves on the planet. Below is a breakdown of what is likely to be the outcome in the United Kingdom if they continue at the rate they are.
.243,610 sq km = land area of UK
60% to be fracked = 146166 sq km
one well every 30 hectares (Ingraffea et al)
100 hectares = 1 sq km
Hence the area intended to be fracked is = 14616600 hectares
@ 1 well per 30 hectares = 487220 wells intended to be drilled
@ 10% failure rate after 1 year = 48722 (say 40,000) wells will be leaking into the UK aquifers after ONE YEAR
@ 60% failure rate after 20 years = 292330 (say 250,000) Will be leaking oil and or gas into the UK Aquifers.
Groundwater makes up nearly 70% of all the world’s freshwater; only
0.2% is found in lakes, streams or rivers and 30% is bound up in snow
and ice on mountains and in the polar regions. As rivers and lakes tend
to be supported by groundwater, it is not exaggerating to say that
almost all the water we use for agriculture, industry and drinking water
is either groundwater or has been groundwater at some point in the
water cycle.
Groundwater plays a number of very important roles
in our environment and in our economies. In the environment it supports
rivers, lakes and wetlands, especially through drier months when there
is little direct input from rainfall. The flow of groundwater into
rivers as seepage through the river bed, known as base-flow, can be
essential to the health of wildlife and plants that live in the water.
These mining corporations police themselves and these studies are flawed with flawed science from flawed scientists who are up to their necks in this. These scientific reports are well known to be written with a company spin. It all sounds so good. Too good and that was the first hint there was corruption behind the reports.
Read the Gloucester Shire Council's report on the Toxic PRODUCED Water. Produced Water is water that has been used in the drilling process and what they plan to do with this water. READ HERE
Starting last weekend the temperatures dropped dramatically as an Arctic Vortex settled over most of New South Wales. Of course its cold, it is Winter but these temperature drops were drastic.
Last night when we went to bed there was a definite chill in the air and I awoke to a complete white blanket of snow over everything. It was still snowing when I went out to photograph this momentous event. The locals say it hasn't snowed here for 60years. My neighbour was out but really we were the only ones up seeing this auspiciousness take place.
The snow was heavy in those places that got snow last week and the highways were closed again because of so much snow on the roads.
It started snowing in Queensland out near Toowoomba and this was forecast for last week and they were shivering. This time it really snowed. It was forecast to snow in Stanthorpe last week and that did lots for the local tourism but there was no snow in town but today it was over everything and it was a deep blanket. There was also a lot of good snow at Eukey nearby to Stanthorpe and near Tenterfield at Mt Mt McKenzie. These places are just over the border from Stanthorpe in Southern Queensland.
It snowed at Bolivia Hill where Brice and I went snow chasing but it wasn't white on the ground but it was floating in the air and I tried desperately to photograph this. This time I got to photograph the snow on my boot with ease. The flakes were so big.
We are up very high above sea level here, 974m above sea level and it snowed all over. It was literally freezing temperatures all over. The coastal areas are feeling the drops in temperatures as well.
This image below was snapped down the road from here at Guyra. The link is under the pic to go and look at heaps more great images of last weeks and this weeks snow dumping up here on the New England.
"As they set out from their place above, each soul is male and female as
one. Only as they descend to this world do they part, each to its own
side. And then it is the One Above who unites them again. This is His
exclusive domain, for He alone knows which soul belongs to which and how
they must reunite." - The Zohar
Hieros gamos or Hierogamy (Greek ἱερὸς γάμος,
ἱερογαμία "holy marriage") refers to a sexual ritual that plays out a
marriage between a god and a goddess, especially when enacted in a
symbolic ritual where human participants represent the deities. Wiki
It is at the heart of so many of our mystery temples – a couple making
love. An actual physical and sexual act – an ancient goddess ritual
GOD I see your beauty. I see the starlight that you are. I see your living symbol in all things. I
have accepted your love into my heart. I have opened my soul to you and
felt you caress it. I have laid down on the altar and made you
offerings. I have prayed to you as you dream yourself into being. I have
witnessed your creation.
“You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.”
― Kahlil Gibran, Xian zhi
The Divine Tribe were created whole as a Soul
and then split upon their physical creation however they will always be
joined at the Aethereal Heart and their destinies will always be linked.
The sacred marriage of jungian psychology, the unio mystica of alchemy, the binary code of mathematics
The Aether is returning and as this happens during the great cycle instigated by the creator that created our divine soul expressly for the pleasure of God to experience God as God.
Martenitsa is an old pagan tradition that remains almost unchanged today
the first day of March and for a few days afterwards, Bulgarians
exchange and wear white and red tassels or the Pizho and Penda dolls.
The tradition calls for wearing the Martenitsa until the person sees a stork or a blooming tree. The stork is considered a harbinger of spring.
specific features of the ritual include tying the twisted white and red
woolen thread. The common belief is that by wearing the red and white
colours of the Martenitsa people ask Baba Marta for mercy. They hope
that it will make Winter (Lower Consciousness - Iron Age) pass faster
and bring spring (Higher Consciousness - Golden Age).
Pizho and Penda
are the names of the two small wool dolls of a typical Martenitsa. Pizho
is the male doll, usually with white as its predominant color. Penda is
the female doll, usually predominantly red, and is distinguished by her
skirt. Martenitsi
are always given as gifts. Tradition dictates that people never buy
Martenitsi for themselves. They are given to loved ones, friends, and
those people to whom one feels close. They are worn on clothing, or
around the wrist or neck. Wearing one or more Martenitsi is a very
popular Bulgarian tradition.
The time during which it is worn is meant
to be a joyful holiday commemorating health and long life. A similar
tradition is held in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as in Northern
Greece, Albania, Romania and Moldova.
red string of fate also referred to as the red string of marriage, and
other variants, is an East Asian belief originating from Chinese legend
and is also used in Japanese legend.
According to this myth, the gods
tie an invisible red cord around the
ankles of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain
situation or help each other in a certain way. Often, in Japanese
culture, it is thought to be tied around the little finger.
According to
Chinese legend, the deity in charge of "the red thread" is believed to
be Yue Xia Lao (月下老), often abbreviated to Yue Lao (月老), the old lunar
matchmaker god, who is in charge of marriages. The
two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless
of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or
tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of
Gamos is related to the binding of the Souls which only God can do. In
Ancient Greece “Hieros Gamos" was connected to ”sacred marriage, ”sacred
wedding feast”, or ”sacred sexual intercourse”, is the technical term
of a ritual union between a God and a Goddess"
Something from a Wordpress Blog if you would like to click the link. I don't want to quote too much of it as I am not sure of some of the information. However the information about the planets and the parts they have played already and will play in our present and future was very interesting. Those planets have brought us through consciousness to where we are today as a soul.
Aether is the primary and most subtly pervasive manifestation of the
Divine substance. Out of it unfolds, in the evolution of the Universe,
all other elements, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Together, therefore,
Sound and AEther signify the first, truth-pregnant moment of creation,
the productive energy of the Absolute, in its pristine, cosmogenetic
strength. Read More
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
(CSIRO) is the federal government agency for scientific research in
Australia. It was founded in 1926 originally as the Advisory Council of
Science and Industry.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
(CSIRO) is the federal government agency for scientific research in
Australia. It was founded in 1926 originally as the Advisory Council of
Science and Industry.
So Pluto turns out to have a huge heart shape on one of its sides... what an amazing image to have beamed back here and see this.
Pluto is pictured in this July 7, 2015 handout image from New Horizons’ Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI). Photo: Reuters
The image was taken on July 7, when the spacecraft was over 8 million kilometres from Pluto
Most prominent area is an elongated dark feature at the equator,
informally known as “the whale,” and a large heart-shaped bright area
measuring some 2,000 kilometres across on the right.
The Hindu
I was more than chuffed being a lover of this shape and a lover of finding this shape each time I am out amongst nature. This one was billions and billions of light years away though and really that is clever but it won't feed the starving children.
In Greek mythology, Cygnus has been identified with several different legendary swans. Zeus disguised himself as a swan to seduce Leda, Spartan king Tyndareus's wife, who gave birth to the Gemini, Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra; Orpheus was transformed into a swan after his murder, and was said to have been placed in the sky next to his lyre (Lyra); and the King Cygnus was transformed into a swan.
Basically after taking a 26-year nap, a waking black hole released a burst of
X-rays that excited the Astronomical community and is still exciting them .
On June 15th 2015, a black hole 8,000 light years away sprung alive for
the first time since 1989, blasting X-rays and gamma rays across the
universe. Such objects are called X-Ray novas and act as their own alarm
Astronomers identified the revived black hole as an "X-ray nova" . Which is a
sudden increase in star luminosity. They said it was coming from a binary system in the
constellation Cygnus. They went on to say that the said outburst may have been caused by material
falling into a black hole.
Well now.....Esoterically we know that Cygnus is related to Divine man.. That is why we have Zeus seducing Leder the swan. Lyra gives birth to two sets of twins which are symbolic for the first born messiahs of each of the races. A black hole connected to this constellation is something to take notice of.
The observations were made on the 15th of June and this deduces to 20 in Esoteric numbers. D. Smith.
Together with other avian constellations near the summer solstice, Vultur cadens and Aquila, Cygnus may be a significant part of the origin of the myth of the Stymphalian Birds, one of The Twelve Labours of Hercules.
It could already be in your town or just around the corner. Income Managments Healthy Welfare Card is the Twiggy Forrest brainchild of impending doom. It is a further sign we are being over governed and civil rights are being stripped from people at an alarming rate.
The Card
Income management is another nail in the coffin of civil liberties. This government has taken an axe to the most under privileged in the community by cutting services and demanding they shop at the big 2 supermarkets. No alcohol is alright but the mere fact there a zero cash component is a huge worry.
This system is absolutely fraught with issues. I am sure there will be a case mounted with the United Nations about this because it really stops peoples freedom to make their own mistakes to learn from them. New South Wales is most definitely a nanny state now along with South Australia and Western Australia. The Northern Territory is also facing worse problems being a federal enclave where federal law stands. Those people up there don't stand a chance.
The card has already been introduced into some communities across Australia with it set to be rolled out to all Centrelink recipients especially Newstart and Family Tax Benefit Part A and B. It appears at this point that pensions are going to be left alone.
There are many ways people could circumvent this process with a well organized system utilizing the working people in their very own community. At least this way both parties get their needs met. I am sure there are people planning how to circumvent this system as I type here. The government has completely lost its marbles with this.
Recently Alan Tudge said on radio that responsible parents will also be income managed, along with people who have drinking, drug or gambling problems within the trial sites.
Tudge described the new card as a Visa debit card that can be used
"on anything, anywhere except alcohol or gambling." And very limited
cash withdrawals.
Forced to shop at the Big Supermarkets.
I know there are so many ways around this so why do they bother in the first place. That was a rhetorical question, because the reason they bother is the end goal is control. I call the workers the free range slaves and the paddock is getting smaller by the day.