Bronwyn Bishop hiring a helicopter to take a 70 kilometer trip amongst other various entitlements of travel which she had managed very poorly, were uncovered. Hardly what we want in the speaker of the House ever. That kind of mindlessness could be detrimental to the security of the country.
Since she resigned from the Speaker's position the "Travelgate" Yarn has been unraveling at a rapid rate and both sides of politics are now caught up in this huge distraction poised for this TPP Moment. Tony Abbott solicited special favors for his daughter with scholarships, Tony Burke, Bill Shorten have been named in misusing their entitlements and today Joe Hockey was caught out using his allowance holidaying with his entire family at a cost of $14,000 and there was the Liberal Fundraiser in Melbourne which came in at a cool $20,000. Nice perks when you work in public office.
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Hockey sits outside parliament smoking fat cigars telling us to tighten our belts! HOCKEY IS THIEVING PUBLIC MONEY for his family fun. and probably his cigars as well. |
This is snouts in the trough leeching the money out of the country for the own self absorption. None of them are fit to represent this country. They all have the same benign mental answers to why this is occurring and none of the blame seems to be with them personally. Funny about this.
Hockey Defends Perth Trip - SBS
Images @ Eminpee Fotography
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