Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Coal Seam Gas - The Research

This is a list of links that are related to Scientific Studies and academic papers on the Mining industry in Australia, specifically the Coal Seam Gas Mining Industry.

IMG 0257 Tragic Mining in Central Australia

Research & Papers

Great Artesian Basin report

Soil Futures Consulting, November 2014

Credit Suisse Equity Research – Santos Report

Credit Suisse Securities Research and Analytics, 11 March 2014

List of fracking bans worldwide

Updated December 2013

Symptomatology of a gas field

Geralyn McCarron, April 2013

Is fracking good for your health?

Jeremy Moss, Alicia Coram & Grant Blashki; November 2013

CSG and Your Health: Understand the Risks, Protect Your Family

Dr Wayne Somerville, 2013

Cooking up a price rise

Matt Grudnoff, The Australia Institute, 5.7.13

Higher levels of stray gases found in water wells near shale gas sites

Various authors, Duke University, 24.6.13

Pouring more fuel on the fire

Matt Grudnoff, The Australia Institute, June 2013

Information to stop gas-fired power

Dr Gideon Polya, 19.06.13

Peer Review of Interim Protocol for Site Verification and Mapping of BSAL

Robert Banks, SoilFutures Consulting - 1.05.13

Coal Seam Gas Moratorium

Published by Mike Mizzi on 27.1.2012

Fracking hell: the untold story

Earth Focus & UK's Ecologist Film Unit

Exposure to severe urban air pollution influences cognitive outcomes, brain volume and systemic inflammation in clinically healthy children

US National Library of Medicine (PubMed) National Institute of Health

How the EPA linked “fracking” to contaminated well water

ARS Technica - 9.12.2011

Who regulates the regulators?

A Question of Balance - CRN (Community Radio Network)

NSW: Fossil or balanced future?

Total Environment Centre - October 2011

The Coming Famine – Prof. Julian Cribb

Julian Cribb & Associates Discussion Paper

The Great Artesian Basin: more than the eye can sea

A Question of Balance: CRN (Community Radio Network)

110922 Question Without Notice Coal Seam Gas

Senator Larissa Waters in parliament, questions re coal seam gas

The mining and burning of coal: effects on health and the environment

The Medical Journal of Australia - paper by Dr's Castleden, Shearman, Crisp and Finch

Senator Bill Heffernan and NICNAS at CSG Senate Inquiry

Coal Seam Gas Senate Inquiry - 10.9.2011

Senate Inquiry Hansard NSW Bureaucrats

Federal Senate Hearing - 3 key NSW govt. bureaucrats - 9.9.2011

Submission to parliamentary inquiry

Submission to Parliamentary inquiry into coal seam gas

Assessment of impacts of CSG operations

Professor Chris Moran, Dr Sue Vink - University of Queensland

Documents: Natural Gas’s Toxic Waste

Articles on Gas' Toxic Waste

Groundwater Impacts of Coal Seam Gas Development

Mr. Mal Helmuth - Executive Director LNG Projects - with Sue Vink, Nadja Kunz, Damian Barrett, Chris Moran

Submission into impact of mining coal seam gas

Doctors for the Environment Australia Inc. Dr. David Shearman, Hon Secretary

Groundwater connections between the Walloon Coal Measures and the Alluvium of the Condamine River

John R Hillier - consulting hydrogeologist

Preliminary Assessment of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Robert W. Howarth, David R. Atkinson, Professor of Ecology & Environmental Biology, Cornell University

Methane contamination of drinking water

Osborna, Vengoshb, Warnerb, and Jackson - Center on Global Change, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708

Violence behind mining boom revealed

Queensland University of Technology - Professor K. Carrington. 6.12.2010

UNSW Connected Waters

The University of New South Wales 'Connected Waters' web site

E.I.S. for coal seam gas in Surat Basin

Golder Associates - June 2009
Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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