Sunday, April 16, 2017

Toxic Station Creek at Urunga

SAM 8209 Antimony Toxicity in Urunga NSW

Levels of arsenic and antimony measured in Pipe Clay Creek were generally low, and similar to those measured at Sea Lido.
In contrast, levels of arsenic and antimony measured in Station Creek were much higher than those at Sea Lido.
Antimony levels exceeded the NHMRC (1996) drinking water quality guideline of 3 on all occasions, while levels of arsenic consistently exceeded the ANZECC (2000) swimming water quality guideline of between March and May 2003.
Levels of both arsenic and antimony in Station Creek increased after February 2003, a period dominated by many small rainfall events.

These results suggest that arsenic and antimony are washed into the creek during wet weather. 

collage station creek

This is an update to an earlier blog which I am unable to locate and fear it may have been taken down.  I will add more to this as I regather my previous information.


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