Monday, December 17, 2012

The broad spectrum of cultural responses to cataclysmic events attest to the profoundly unsettling impact chaotic events in the skies may have had.

~  David Pankenier ~

IMG 5730  Half Moon on the clouds  

 David Talbott has been studying mythology for many years. The video he has produced called Symbols of an Alien Sky follows on from his work with incredible and life changing Thunderbolts of the Gods (youtube or full version on googlevideo) and his earlier film Remembering the end of the World.

The basic idea is that why did our ancestors give godly and terrible powers and stories to the planets? Especially as they are so far away and have nothing to do with us? Unless in our past they were things to fear and did bring devastation to the Earth.

As crazy as it sound the visual and historical evidence is very convincing and as you get further into Symbols of an Alien Sky it seems as if his theories have stronger proof.

Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr

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