Monday, June 15, 2020


 UNDERSTANDING THE SYMBOLISM, 'my interpretation by Steward Bryant  (Facebook)  
Ninshubur the female Deity, that was changed to a Male Deity

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It is believed that the later Hermes of the Greeks is based in part on Ninshubur, the Queen of the East who served as a messenger to the gods.

In later Akkadian myths, Ninshubur’s gender changes to “male”, which is the main reason why clay figurines of Ninshubur as a “god” has been found beneath the doors of temples.

These figurines show him bearing a staff or wand in his right hand.

Inanna was associated with the planet Venus. Ninshubur, the second-in-command of the goddess Inanna, was said to be associated with Mercury, as Venus and Mercury appear together in the sky.

The foot on the lion indicates she is ‘ANAT’
(aka: Semirames, Anahiti, Cybel, Diana, Ashtoreth, Anatta, Ester- Ishtar [I<AiTHAIR = Woman < Revered?]

She is believed to have been a mythic Indo-European warrior God-Empress (Dian) based in west central Asia in the late 3rd mil BC who helped conquer the world.

Her father- in- law was Belochus, her husband was Belochus Ninus (Bel, Baal, Ninus), and she was the MARI (queen mother) of her son and successor Dionysus (Dion-Ysus “ = God Emperor- Ysus) identified by some with Mithra.

She was venerated as a god by the 1st mil BC, as far as Egypt, Anatolia, and Mesopotamian and is credited for conquering Bactria, establishing Babylon and Nineveh. But her invasion of India failed, being wounded in the attempt to cover her army’s retreat

The three horns in her hat indicate she was an Empress (Dian), The arrows in her quill shows she is Diana the huntress.

The wings show she is deified after her death (2006bc?), as her god now residing in heaven.
The expose leg indicates she is sensual and famed for her exceptional beauty (“Si mir a maise” = ‘she famed of beauty’?).

After about 600bc when the religious reformations began which replaced the nurturing Mother God, with the strict Father God whose laws must be obeyed... She became ‘Damnatio Memoriae’ meaning "condemnation of memory" (stricken from history), a process involving destruction of monuments to her, destruction of her name on monuments, and removals of her and her deeds in any references to her in books.

The Roman church Damned Mithra veneration as a heresy, a false Jesus.

Today we may know her as the Whore of Babylon, and Gorgon.

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