PT 1-2 History and Those Who Write it. The True History, Hidden in Plain View.
by Ed ChiariniOnce you know who THEY are and their REAL IDENTITY, you then can go back through the history books and see the real story behind the lie that was shown to us. When you see the business deals being done by the pioneers of that period KNOW for a fact they are family, and are conducting business using pseudonyms so they can operate without the fear of being accused of manipulating the markets and insider trading.
When Roosevelt put the Wilson Act in place he was not doing that to stifle the corporations that had grown many times larger than the United States by that time. NOOOOOooooo the real reason, was to stifle their family's competition who were unaware of the fact that their competitors were all related and monopolizing their respective Industrial Revolution. You will see why they call it a revolution, the same as the Revolutionary war was in fact a scam funded by the same individuals who can be traced back to the crown, whose descendants are in power today.
Case in point here:
The Hollywood studios.
Disney = Kermit Roosevelt (and Hitler), at the same time Joseph P Kennedy Sr (who was really Quentin Roosevelt, Kermits brother) was investing heavily in other Hollywood studio thought to be competition to Disney, (but now you see they are the same family).
Warner Brother = Family. MGM Metro Goldwyn Mayer = Family, Then you have TEX Ritter (who created the film industry in Arizona) also with the help of other family members from Texas creating what is known as Country music today.
If you have seen my documentary on the JFK assassination hoax you know all the players in that event, are ALL members of the halls of fame, Country, Rock, Rockabilly, and the Grand Ole Opry.
We see TEX (who by the way is in the Warren report for his dealings with Jack Ruby (HIS NEPHEW) goes to NY to pioneer the creation of the TV side of the moving picture genre.
By now light bulbs should start going off in your heads as you go back and look at the names associated with that period and, see they are all related and all frequented the Catskills resorts (a vacation spot for all the Jewish individuals of wealth, who own that industry.)
Berlin 1933 the first TV broadcast tower. Look a hell of a lot like Teslas missing tower.REMEMBER 1933 (33 their favorite number) is when the first broadcast TV hit the public. WHERE WAS THAT? - OHHHHhhhh BERLIN Are you connecting the dots now?
If not, try this one on for size.
During that time AGAIN you see Joseph P Kennedy Sr (remember he is Quentin Roosevelt. His father is Teddy the President) Partner up with another family branch, the Carnegie's, to take over the STEEL industry.
Also at that time you see the DuPont's getting into the picture and the families DuPont and Roosevelt connected through marriage. The DuPont's are a very old family, that own most of the state of Delaware, and has successfully remained under the radar as per their involvement in all of the fake history.
If the people knew the truth about what they are responsible for, you can bet the people would be outside their various estates with Pitchfork and torch in hand, demanding they be held accountable.
The many lives that were lost on the Brandywine battlefields and surrounding areas during the wars, due to that family's deception would amaze you (a tail for another video in the future, as it's far too complex to get into right now).
Back to the case in point...
Bethlehem steel was the provider of all the raw materials for WWII.
OH wait! So another ROOSEVELT was in office during that war too?
OHHHHHhhh and he was cousins with the other Roosevelt's... AND offered the position of the head of the SEC to Joseph P Kennedy Sr for his support during FDR's campaign. A position which he turned it down so he could take the position of US Ambassador in London during the war. HMMMMMM
Side note:
His daughter Rose Kennedy (who they claim was left retarded after a lobotomy that her father authorized, and was subsequently shipped off to London because they didn't want the public to know the truth about what happened to her.
BULLSH*T in part true, but they didn't want the public to know what happened to her because she became who you know as MARGARET THATCHER.)
Additional side note.
This is why you see the bush family at her funeral in disguise, claimed that no U.S. Officials were going to be attending.
Back to Joseph P Kennedy Sr...
He got in trouble for being such a shady businessman, that he ruined any chance of him getting elected to office in the US (his reputation was that bad).
So he creates the person PRESCOTT BUSH. (Hell If he can't get into office, he will make sure his sons will, and yes I said SON's)
His 1st son they claim died in a plane crash (oh what a coincidence, that was how he killed off his first identity Quentin) was Joseph P Kennedy JR = who is now HW BUSH. His other son JACK Kennedy
HELLO?? Are you writing this down??
Became another president, who was assassinated. (YEAH RIGHT) Knowing my work on the JFK HOAX you know Oswald and Marina are Jim Reeves (TEX Raiders best friend, he grew up with and Marina is Patsy Cline, who TEX just so happens to be the last person she was seen with before her plane crash.
HE is also a friend, of all the other musicians who died in plane crashes (the Big Bopper, Richard Steven Valenzuela, known as Ritchie Valens, (was an American singer, songwriter and guitarist. A rock and roll pioneer and a forefather of the Chicano rock movement,), Bob Wills, etc. etc.
Seems plane crashes were Tex Ritters favorite scam as you can see who he learned that trick from, but more about TEX in a moment.).
Berlin 1933 the first TV broadcast tower. Look a hell of a lot like Tesla's missing tower.
Jimmy or Jack?
Images @ Eminpee Fotography-Aussie Rapper Faces
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