Thursday, September 18, 2014

Earthquake on Guam .. M Class Flare was just days ago.

Solar Flare
Solar Flare (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Yesterday there was a sizable earthquake 7.4 in the Northern Pacific Region, North of Papua New Guinea.   It was located at Guam just west of the Mariana Trench.

 The quake was 172km deep, and as a result a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami was not expected.

"A destructive tsunami was not generated because this earthquake is located too deep inside the earth," the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said.

Guam, the largest island in Micronesia with a population of 180,000, is no stranger to earthquakes, but tsunamis hit only rarely.


A few days ago the sun unleashed a major solar flare.  An M Class Flare in fact and this has become apparent to many people that when this occurs, an earthquake always follows.

Why does this happen?  Well for those with  no connection to the planet and the universe I suppose it would be difficult to understand the perspective myself and others have about this phenomena.   I don't find putting this together a problem.  The Sun does more than people think.

The magnetic energy that streamed down here usually takes approximately three days to effect change here.  This M Class Flare  just effected the resonance of our planet and our planet responded by have a quake.

IMG 1914
Pacific Ocean

I consider it like someone waving at someone and in turn that person waves back.   The second person would not  have waved unless the first person initiated this.   I like to think of these large scale weather events like this.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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