Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Matilda at four years old
Our little Tilly when she was four.  She was perfect but miniature in statue
 homunculus ho·mun·cu·lus (hō-mŭng'kyə-ləs, hə-)
n. pl. ho·mun·cu·li (-lī')
  1. A diminutive human.
  2. A miniature, fully formed individual which adherents of the early biological theory of pre-formation believed to be present in the sperm cell.  From
Matilda was born Four and a half pound in weight and she was barely 17 inches long.  She was very very tiny.  She was strong at birth in spite of her tiny size.  She did not have to suffer the Humidicrib and be away from her Mumma because of this inner strength she came with.

We kept her close as close could be.  I knew this was what she needed to survive what she had come through.  She had been marked by her fathers extra marital affair .. the situation where both of us were forced to live through hell together and survive. 

Matilda and I were one during that time and she had to survive this most disgusting act.  One which I should have run away from right there and then, but did I?  No, obviously not.  Now I live with the results of my past decisions ,but sadly her father doesn't.

It was his will that almost killed our child before she was born.  Felicity Norman Elliot would be my witness to this truth.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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