Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Distracting versus Not Distracting

 I came across this article about Five Reasons We Should Stop Distracting Toddlers.  I was immediately drawn to read this because I had this conversation the other day with friends and we decided that was the most socially acceptable way to deal with bad behavior from children when there seemed no other way to deal with it.

IMG 2979  First Birthday for Shelby

So reading the following article which I encourage you to read is very informative to the reasons this actually could be detrimental to their development skills where problem solving and understanding why are concerned.

  1. Phonieness
  2. Loss of opportunity to learn from conflict.
  3. No guidance
  4. Underestimates and discourages attention and awareness.
  5. Respect and underestimating a toddlers intelligence.
 "Dealing with these situations openly with patience, empathy and honesty - braving a child’s tears and accepting temporary ‘bad guy’ status - is the path to a loving relationship, trust and respect. This, believe it or not, is real quality time".   Janet Lansbury
Images @ Eminpee Fotography
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