Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stray Gas

This photo is a "small" eruption from Don's dam near Doubtful Creek, Kyogle and the bubbles you can see are now known in the US as "Stray Gas". 
IMG3414.3 Don From D.C.

 "Stray Gas" Research Project explained:

It appears that stray gas is present in varying quantities between the faults and in small pockets above and BEFORE any coal seam or gas bearing strata... (this is, we are assuming, what fed the old Casino Gas Plant over 50 years ago).

The Northern Rivers is highly "faulted", meaning we more than likely have a lot of gas sitting in those faults - and when a drill goes down, the drill can knock or dislodge rock in and near the fault (layman's language), thus allowing stray gas to escape and enter the groundwater. This has happened at many exploratory sites to date (on the Northern Rivers) and investigations are now underway.

Many studies on this phenomenon are now taking place in the US and beyond.

As a number of "stray gas" issues have now appeared on the Northern Rivers, we are pulling together a group of concerned researchers, specialist community members and local scientists to join forces to investigate the "Stray Gas" and associated issues (such as radiation) now appearing in in dams and creeks around the Northern Rivers.

More funding and more resources are needed for this very important project.

Whilst we've been offered some funding (by one of the local antiCSG groups) towards the testing of Doubtful Creek bubbling dam, during the course of researching this issue, it became apparent we need to do quite a lot more comprehensive testing and getting some more baselines around the area.

We have now acquired the services of professional testers (who have generously donated their time and resources) to conduct many of the tests and the results will be regularly updated on this Facebook page and elsewhere.

Please give generously, because the more we find out, the sooner we can find out about any damage already caused here in the Northern Rivers and hopefully this may lead to court action (soon) in an attempt to halt this madness.

Money will be used for tests and investigation expenses. Doubtful Creek is only one of the four "Stray Gas" investigations we are currently working on.

If you would like to offer money, your services and/or expertise, please contact this page via personal message. Thank you.

Here is some research from the US on "stray gas":

Images @ Eminpee Fotography [Don ]
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