Monday, March 31, 2014

Martin Ferguson - POLITICS to Energy WHORE

English: en:Martin Ferguson - source
English: en:Martin Ferguson - source (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Martin Ferguson

Monday 31 March 2014 7:48AM
Former Labor MP Martin Ferguson joins RN Breakfast to discuss a controversial new deal giving NSW farmers a veto over coal seam gas on their properties.
He says the deal is a 'dangerous development' that will cost NSW jobs and royalties from the industry, while leading to higher energy prices.

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 From Wikipedia

Martin John Ferguson, AM (born 12 December 1953), Australian politician, was an Australian Labor Party member of the Australian House of Representatives from March 1996 until August 2013 representing the Division of Batman, Victoria. He was a son of Jack Ferguson, who was Deputy Premier of New South Wales from 1976 to 1984. His brother is Laurie Ferguson, also a long-serving federal MP.
Ferguson retired from parliament at the 2013 Australian federal election
In 2005, Ferguson addressed an Australian Uranium Conference and said "We as a community have to be part of the ever-complex question of how we clean up the world's climate. And part of that debate is going to be nuclear power."

Friends of the Earth
have strongly opposed Ferguson's advocacy for expanding the export of uranium beyond the existing Three mine policy which Ferguson sought to overturn at the ALP's national conference in April 2007.

The lobby group Northern Anti Nuclear Alliance has distributed 60,000 leaflets critical of his policy in his electorate of Batman. He also supported – in scientific terms – the proposal of former Prime Minister Bob Hawke for Australia to become the world's storage facility for nuclear waste although he said that it was politically not possible.
 With effect from 1 January 2014, Pam Daley and Martin Ferguson will join the board as Non-Executive Directors and Dr. John Hood will succeed Baroness Hogg as Senior Independent Director.

Daley is currently Senior Vice-President and Senior Advisor to the Chairman at General Electric Company (GE) in the USA and Ferguson is a former Australian Minister for Resources and Energy.

Commenting on the new Non-Executive Director appointments, BG Group Chairman Andrew Gould said: “I am delighted to welcome both Pam and Martin to the BG Group board. They bring with them a wealth of international expertise that will be of great value to BG Group.

“Pam’s experience from her distinguished career in North America and internationally will bring new insight and perspective to our board. Her renowned expertise in finance and law – especially with mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and business development arrangements – will be a welcome addition to the board and the company as we continue to pursue our strategy of more active portfolio management, fiscal discipline and monetisation of our assets at different stages of their life-cycles.”

“Martin also brings with him international expertise, particularly in the resources and energy sector. With Australia poised to become one of the world’s leading suppliers of LNG, and with BG Group set to deliver the world’s first coal seam gas to LNG project in 2014, Martin’s insight and experience in the development of Australia’s natural gas industry and the growing LNG market in Asia will prove invaluable to the board.”

Regarding the change to the Senior Independent Director, Andrew added: 

“The Board joins me in thanking Sarah for her commitment and invaluable contribution to the Group in the role of Senior Independent Director. Her wisdom has helped guide me and the Board through a period of significant change. John is a highly accomplished Non-Executive Director who will be a strong Senior Independent Director for BG Group.”

Baroness Hogg will remain a Non-Executive Director of the Group but, in recognition of her completion of a nine-year tenure as a director of the Group in January 2014, she will also step down as a member of the Audit and the Nominations Committees with effect from 31 December 2013.
Dr. Hood has been a Non-Executive Director of the Group since 2007 and is Chairman of the Remuneration Committee.

Press Release, December 13, 2013
More Information
Martin Fergusion at the House of Reps
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thousands gather at Bentley to face the PORS

Thousands gathered at Bentley outside of Casino on the Lismore Road to protect the land from Metgasco and its drill rig.

The police numbered about 200 are in Casino and have called off the sting due to the amount of people that are present at the campsite and the weather is constant rain.

Well done Protectors

Gasfield Free Northern Rivers Image
WOOP WOOP.... and will be ONGOING.

Photos from Facebook

Wow! Here's the campsite of people ready for BENTLEY BLOCKADE, due to start tomorrow morning by all the reports of police arriving in the area. Follow the updates on Twitter at #BentleyBlockade and at NO CSG!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Tabling of the BIG BAN Petition against Csg in Australia.

The Big Ban Petition was the brain storm and hard work of Jennifer Schoelpple.  The idea sprang  to life and went Australia wide.  Jennifer crossed all the 'T's and dotted her 'I's with precision so that  this petition was absolutely inline with the petitions committee and was a correct legal document.

IMG 6566
Jennifer and Radha in Sydey with the petition
There has been much discussion regarding the legality of petitions by others around us all in the movement against gas mining and at the moment these types of "correct" petitions still carry the correct weight in the parliamentary stakes.  If you want to get this tabled in parliament you must adhere to the strict petition rules to wit.

So with stocks of printed petitions we hit the streets.  We are ordinary people who care.  People who Jennifer trusted and people who she knew would support her to bring this action to fruition.  We were passionate in our cause.  We need to see this industry completely  banned, there is no safe place for this type of mining in Australia.

IMG 7689
Signing the Petition at Wingham Town Hall
There have been so many times we have talked to countless numbers of  people over the past months.  Discussions explaining the serious nature of this type of mining  and the risks to the aquifers by contamination.  The industry itself providing plenty of material from which to draw from on a daily basis - re spills and corruption.

We have actively educated other citizens regarding the lies and the corruption  evident between the revolving doors of politics and mining. 

I take great pleasure in  pointing out the politicians who have taken the cushy mining CEO positions as well as drawing a government pension after leaving politics and after setting up the mining deals while they were in public office.

IMG 8119 Big Ban Petition Handover
Dr David Gillespie with the Petitions and looking at our signs.
The hard work  of collecting the signatures came to a head last weekend in Port Macquarie.  

We gathered  as a very concerned and passionate group of people specifically to present the petitions (thousands) to Dr David Gillespie.  

Dr Gillespie is  the sitting Member for Lyne.  We organized the handover to occur at the Port Macquarie Airport as Dr Gillespie was catching his Canberra flight from there.  He flew down to Canberra for his sitting in parliament, reason we wanted this on his lips as he left our area.  

He was somewhat taken by surprize by the amount of people there waiting for him and the media attention this drew around him.  He appeared a little nervous and his answers to media questions regarding Coal Seam Gas Mining were weak and stodgy with no emphasis at all on the important issues of water. 

He discussed economic benefits as apposed to looking at the environmental concerns that are far more serious.  I didn't hear anything that alluded to banning the industry.  

Dr Gillespie said “As the Federal Member I am happy to table or present petitions to the Parliament on behalf of my constituents if requested, regardless of my own views on the broad range of topics that are canvassed across the political spectrum.”

IMG 8117 Big Ban Petition Handover

Dr Gillespie transported the petitions to Canberra from Port Macquarie.  

Just before 11.00am he tabled these said petitions in the Upper House, below is film of him doing this (via Peter Deane)

Larissa Waters was tabling the Petitions for the Senate, at least she made a firm promise to do this and so there is no concern to whether it will happen or not.

IMG 6070 Suzanne and Kathy and Larissa Waters
Suzanna, Kathy and Larissa Waters at Parliament House Canberra
The next step after this is to petition the NSW State governments and all of the various State Governments around Australia with the very same petition regarding this type of mining in Australia.  

Well done to everyone who helped to bring this petition to the Parliament of Australia to effect the kind of change we need to protect our environment for our children's futures. 

Comment from Jennifer regarding the process :
"It goes on Hansard as a record that we have requested an immediate moratorium on unconventional gas and a total national ban (this being the ONLY petition to have approached it Nationally) and we now go about getting the 10,000 in as many states and territories as possible (we will try to get a person or committee in each one to oversee it) and then we can demand a 20 min debate in the legislative assembly in all those states.

These will also be the ONLY petitions to demand state/territory wide bans as all other petitions, as far as I know, have been site specific (only interested in a particular area/region) which - if effective - would do nothing more than to ease pressure in that area and force more on other areas. Not acceptable, as far as I'm concerned. NOWHERE should be forced to tolerate this industry for myriad reasons. 


(1 min 36 sec) Mel Pretorius's Video Story produced for Fairfax Media (Port Macquarie News) and was posted to their website on Monday 24 March 2014.

In it, we hear from Dame Jennifer Schoelpple, Dame Julie Lyford, and Dr Sir David Gillespie, MP (National Party of Australia).
More Links :

 Images  @ Eminpee Fotography
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bill Gates has admitted Chemtrails are real.

 IMG 9137  Jet Trails 

Well this is one truth revelation I want to document.  The truth on "Chemtrails" is one all people should make themselves aware of.  It is no longer a conspiracy theory.  It is truth and its happening in our skies above us everyday.

I have lived on this earth for almost fifty five years and never have I seen cloud formation like I do these days, and I was a sky watcher.  I trust my own vision, it would be bad if I didn't.  I know what I can see with my own eyes.  I don't like what I see even though it makes for great photography at times, it still scares the heck out of me.

Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails…

Geo-engineers are finally coming out of the “chemtrail” closet, as reports are now emerging about deliberate plans in the works to dump untold tons of sulfate chemicals into the atmosphere for the purported purpose of fighting so-called “global warming.”

The U.K.’s Guardian and others are reporting that a multi-million dollar research fund, which just so happens to have been started and funded by Microsoft founder and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates, is being used to fund the project. A large balloon hovering at 80,000 feet over Fort Sumner, New Mexico, will release the sulfates into the atmosphere within the next year.

IMG 9090.1 Trailing behind again.

The stated purpose for this massive release of toxic sulfate particles is that doing so will allegedly reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere, and thus cool the planet. But many environmental groups and advocates of common sense are decrying the idea as dangerous, and one that could result in permanent damage to ecosystems all across the globe.
“Impacts include the potential for further damage to the ozone layer, and disruption of rainfall, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, potentially threatening the food supplies of billions of people,” said Pat Mooney, Executive Director of the ETC Group, a Canadian environmental protection group.
“It will do nothing to decrease levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or halt ocean acidification. And solar geo-engineering is likely to increase the risk of climate-related international conflict, given that the modeling to date shows it poses greater risks to the global south.”
IMG 3715 Big day above

But the Gates-backed cohort is persistent in its efforts to geo-graffiti the world, as its scientists insist that governments are not doing enough to fight back against the supposed environment impacts of global warming. If governments refuse to implement high enough carbon taxes to eliminate greenhouse gases, in other words, then Gates and Co. believes it has no choice but to “save the planet” by polluting it with sulfate particles.

Spraying the skies with sulfate particles will destroy the planet faster than ‘global warming’ ever could.    Sulfate particles are toxic, though, and constitute the very same type of ambient particulate matter (PM) that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be a noxious air pollutant.

Deliberately spraying the skies with tiny particles composed of any material, for that matter, is hazardous both to respiratory health in humans and animals, as well as to water sources, soils, and other delicate environmental resources.

“Sulfate particles from acid rain can cause harm to the health of marine life in the rivers and lakes it contaminates, and can result in mortality,” says an online water pollution guide (

A University of Washington (UW) report also explains that sulfate particles “contribute to acid rain, cause lung irritation, and have been a main culprit in causing the haze that obscures a clear view of the Grand Canyon.”

IMG 3719 Big day above

Blocking the sun with reflective particles will also deprive humans of natural sunlight exposure, which is a primary source for naturally generating health-promoting vitamin D in the body.

So once again, Bill Gates is at the helms of a project that seeks to control the climate in artificial ways using toxic chemicals, an endeavor that is sure to create all sorts of potentially irreversible problems for humanity and the planet.

Source | TheGuardian | InfoWars reblogged from Facebook.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography - Chemtrails

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors -

The disappearance of four members of a patent semiconductor traveling on Malaysia Airlines MH370 makes the famous billionaire Jacob Rothschild at the sole owner of the important patent.


The mystery surrounding the Malaysian Airlines MH-370 is growing as each day passes with more mysterious silence shadowing the disappearance of the airline. More and more conspiracy theories are beginning to boom on the internet. One of the conspiracies one is the Freescale Semiconductor’s ARM microcontroller ‘KL-03′ which is a new improvised version of an older microcontroller KL-02. This crazy story about how Illuminati Rothschild exploited the airlines to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip is going haywire across the internet especially when it’s involving Jacob Rothschild as the evil master plotter.
A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing.

Freescale Semiconductor has been developing microprocessors, sensors and other technology for the past 50 years. The technology it creates is commonly referred to as embedded processors, which according to the firm are “stand-alone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions in electronic systems”.

Why were so many Freescale employees traveling together? What were their jobs. Were they on a mission and if so what was this mission? Can these employees be the cause of the disappearance of this plane? Could the plane have been then hijacked and these people kidnapped? Did these employees hold valuable information, did they have any valuable cargo with them? Did they know company and technological secrets? With all the might of technology why cant this plane be located? Where is this plane where are these people?”

The 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to make the company’s chip facilities in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations.

“These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people,” Haws said. “It’s definitely a loss for the company.”

In Malaysia, Freescale’s modern operations facility that manufactures and tests integrated circuits (IC) is based in Petaling Jaya.

Based on information obtained from Freescale’s website, the facility began operations in 1972 covering an eight hectare site and is specifically designed for the manufacturing and testing of microprocessors, digital signal processors and integrated radio frequency circuits.

It also owns Freescale RF which is involved in creating solutions for Aerospace and Defence listed below.

1. Battlefield communication

2. Avionics

3. HF Radar – Band L- and S-

4. Missile Guidance

5. Electronic Warfare

6. Identification, friend or foe (IFF)

Freescale’s shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major.

Carlyle’s previous heavyweight clients include the Saudi Binladin Group, the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden.

The fact that Freescale had so many highly qualified staff on board the Boeing 777 had already prompted wild conspiracy theories about what might have happened.

The company says they were flying to China to improve its consumer products operations, but Freescale’s fresh links to electronic warfare technology is likely to trigger more speculation and deepen the mystery.

Experts have been baffled how a large passenger jet seems to have flown undetected and possibly beaten military radar systems for up to six hours.

Avoiding radar via “cloaking technology” has long been one of the objectives of the defense industry and Freescale has been active developing chips for military radar.
On its website, the company says its radio frequency products meet the requirements for applications in “avionics, radar, communications, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe”.

Last June it announced it was creating a team of specialists dedicated to producing “radio frequency power products” for the defense industry.

And on March 3, it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in “high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications”.

The company did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.

It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.

The comment reads: “It reads: “Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.

Four days after the  flight MH370  disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8, according Eternity.


It adds: “Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all four Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane.

Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. “However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved.”

However, the absurd theory does not add up.

Although a Freescale patent does exist under number US8650327, none of the names listed actually appear on the passenger manifest released by the Malaysian authorities.

If the patent holder dies, the other owners share equally in dividends from the deceased.  If four of the five patentees die, then the patentee left alive gets 100% of the patent. That remaining patent holder is the company Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? The answer is: Jacob Rothschild. British billionaire owns the company Blackstone, which in turn owns the company Freescale Semiconductors. Several speculations on the Internet now pay attention to this circumstance. The Rothschilds are a dynasty of financiers and international bankers of German-Jewish origin . The family is from the nineteenth century one of the most influential families of bankers and financiers of Europe.

The search continues for Flight MH370 but speculation surrounding its fate grows by the day.

patent holder is the company Freescale Semiconductor

www.patriotnetdaily.comMalaysian Airline flight MH370 has been in the headlines for over 15 days now and there is much speculation about how, when, why and where all of this went wrong.
My yarn on the matter:

I want to add that I feel Australia getting involved in the search for the wreckage and big noting themselves in this area of expertise in my opinion was a desperate attempt by our government to look like good guys.   A wonderful country governed by stupid people,  that is how they describe Australia.  

Secondly it is also in my opinion they can't find the plane's debris in the oceans because there is so much rubbish and debris out there they are at a loss to decipher this from that perhaps. 

I do wonder if people revisit the information previously given over the years [mountains of ocean rubbish floating] and so this alludes to it being difficult to find in that ocean rubbish crowd. 

Today the Malasian Prime Minister spoke at a press conferance to his nation saying he is almost sure the plane went down in the Southern Ocean west of Perth Western Australia.

7th of the 7th 2013
Dawn over the Ocean off Hungry Head NSW
Images of Oceans at Eminpee Fotography
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Monday, March 24, 2014

A final good bye to Uncle Tom Kelly

IMG 8147 The Koori Flag at half Mast

It was one helluva sorry day here in Urunga today, Uncle Tom was so well known by everyone.  I was so saddened by his passing, I never got an piece of paper to remember him with either and that was upsetting for me.

There services were lovely and there were no room for anymore people in the church with many many people standing on the outside of the church as the grounds of the Urunga Catholic Church swelled with people saying their good byes to Uncle Tom,

This is a photo that Montana [my daughter] took at the cemetery on Hungry Head Road

In the afternoon this arvo there was a massive storm to make him leaving just as there was when he died.  I love you Uncle Tom, you are sorely missed already by us mob in this house.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stray Gas

This photo is a "small" eruption from Don's dam near Doubtful Creek, Kyogle and the bubbles you can see are now known in the US as "Stray Gas". 
IMG3414.3 Don From D.C.

 "Stray Gas" Research Project explained:

It appears that stray gas is present in varying quantities between the faults and in small pockets above and BEFORE any coal seam or gas bearing strata... (this is, we are assuming, what fed the old Casino Gas Plant over 50 years ago).

The Northern Rivers is highly "faulted", meaning we more than likely have a lot of gas sitting in those faults - and when a drill goes down, the drill can knock or dislodge rock in and near the fault (layman's language), thus allowing stray gas to escape and enter the groundwater. This has happened at many exploratory sites to date (on the Northern Rivers) and investigations are now underway.

Many studies on this phenomenon are now taking place in the US and beyond.

As a number of "stray gas" issues have now appeared on the Northern Rivers, we are pulling together a group of concerned researchers, specialist community members and local scientists to join forces to investigate the "Stray Gas" and associated issues (such as radiation) now appearing in in dams and creeks around the Northern Rivers.

More funding and more resources are needed for this very important project.

Whilst we've been offered some funding (by one of the local antiCSG groups) towards the testing of Doubtful Creek bubbling dam, during the course of researching this issue, it became apparent we need to do quite a lot more comprehensive testing and getting some more baselines around the area.

We have now acquired the services of professional testers (who have generously donated their time and resources) to conduct many of the tests and the results will be regularly updated on this Facebook page and elsewhere.

Please give generously, because the more we find out, the sooner we can find out about any damage already caused here in the Northern Rivers and hopefully this may lead to court action (soon) in an attempt to halt this madness.

Money will be used for tests and investigation expenses. Doubtful Creek is only one of the four "Stray Gas" investigations we are currently working on.

If you would like to offer money, your services and/or expertise, please contact this page via personal message. Thank you.

Here is some research from the US on "stray gas":

Images @ Eminpee Fotography [Don ]
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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mr Hill and RahjConkas


The Peony Nebula star taken by NASA's Spitzer ...
The Peony Nebula star taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope in its naturally dusty region (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  Well you know how I love Australian Hip Hop / Rap / Rhyming in general.. well a couple of months back this song took my fancy big time and I have been so busy until now dealing with my life in general and only now I can sit down and really listen to the words and why it grabbed me the way it did.

The lyrical contend is transcending to many things and on many levels and I hear echos of what is happening for all of us young and old.

I was taken by  the Chorus regarding us being like stars in the Telescope and just an image of reflection really spoke loads to me at this time of my journey in life and learning because it was like a musical confirmation if you would.  I feel that way anyway and I feel comfortable with that too.

Here are the lyrics I quickly copied down while listening this afternoon.  I cried listening so watch and listen and buy their whatever and get them some money so their kids don't go poor.   Love the song  ...  Well done Wagga boys.

Light up the Night and shine where we never go
Like stars in the  telescope
coz we are just an image of reflection
Light up the Night and shine where we never go
Like stars in the  telescope
coz we are just an image of reflection

Its like we drifted away
Look I'll prove it  now
Thought we'd stay
Too far to be rescued now
I'm just a reflection of you
The opposite of my perception of you

Don't say I neglected you
coz all I want to do is stand next to you
When I say Next
I really mean With
Really mean Why
Gotta stay faithful
Gotta grow UP
Gotta play safe
Gotta play these cards right
I really mean Us
I really mean friendship
I really mean trust
I really mean more than just this rhyming shit
If I lose you I don't want to blow off

Side by Side
Hand in Hand
Walking forward We take a stand
We the movement
The new plan
We the young leaders
We The New Anthem
Witnessing HISTORY
We all thought JT had it all planned out
See the man stand out
See the man back down
Returning the fire in me
One Second
I represent a large portion of people that don't know much
but struggle and stress
Lost in motion
Finances taken over
What they gonna do for the people that want to do more
but cant afford it
I don't care about books
I just want to make sure my kids don't grow up poor

Light up the Night and shine where we never go
Like stars in the  telescope
coz we are just an image of reflection
Light up the Night and shine where we never go
Like stars in the  telescope
coz we are just an image of reflection

Covered in broken stories
No wonder nobody supports them
Want him to run for glory
All you gotta do is tell his story
Pity no one believes us
History will probably repeat us
See what I mean is
We got a generation that came from cheaters
But we heads up
Knuckle down son
Work means sweat under the sun
Don't need help
Just some space
Get out my face just let me run
Just like dad did
We're ain't mad kid
But that's tragic for some kids
But we grow up
and we all get through it
And we don't need magic
just some MUSIC / CLASSIC
Write my rhymes with passion
only that which holds me back
can therefore stop all this from happening
Otherwise holding from this point on
Yes I will steer this ship
And since that day since that day its spinning perfectly

Before I go just let me speak
Not the only one
A million one are just like me
Not just talk
the people that grow up
We just don't know how long we miss them
I know I know this
I know I know this
I know I know this
I know I know this

Light up the Night and shine where we never go
Like stars in the  telescope
coz we are just an image of reflection
Light up the Night and shine where we never go
Like stars in the  telescope
coz we are just an image of reflection

Friday, March 21, 2014

Bagasse - Sugar Cane Mulche

I was told it was bad.  Now I gotta do an investigation on this now.

Bagasse, or residue of sugar cane, after sugar...
Bagasse, or residue of sugar cane, after sugar is extracted (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bagasse, also called megass ,  fibre remaining after the extraction of the sugar-bearing juice from sugarcane. The word bagasse, from the French bagage via the Spanish bagazo, originally meant “rubbish,” “refuse,” or “trash.” Applied first to the debris from the pressing of olives, palm nuts, and grapes, the word was subsequently used to mean residues from other processed plant materials such as sisal, sugarcane, and sugar beets. In modern use, the word is limited to the by-product of the sugarcane mill.

Bagasse is burned as fuel in the sugarcane mill or used as a source of cellulose for manufacturing animal feeds.   Paper is produced from bagasse in several Latin American countries, in the Middle East, and in sugar-producing countries that are deficient in forest resources.

Bagasse is the essential ingredient for the production of pressed building board, acoustical tile, and other construction materials and can be made into a number of biodegradable plastics.

Bagasse is also employed in the production of furfural, a clear colourless liquid used in the synthesis of chemical products such as nylons, solvents, and even medicines.

Bagasse is readily available as a waste product with a high sugar content and has potential as an environmentally friendly alternative to corn as a source of the biofuel ethanol (ethyl alcohol).

Sugar Cane Mulch has lots of benefits

Chemical Residues: Tested by AMAL Laboratories as NIL. Certified Organic by NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia).

: Tested free of Pythuim, Phytophthora, and domestic plant diseases.

Direct contact with, or inhalation of organic material or its dust may result in skin or eye irritation or, more rarely, respiratory illness including hay fever, asthma or pneumonia.

If irritation occurs wash eyes with water, wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin, eye or respiratory irritation persists.

Certified organic sugar cane mulch is made from materials, which may contain micro-organisms, such as bacteria, fungi and protozoa.


This product may contain micro organisms and bacteria. Avoid breathing dust or mist. Wear particulate mask if dusty. If irritation occurs move person to fresh air.

Wear standard duty gloves (AS2161), loose comfortable clothing and boots. Long sleeved shirts and long trousers are recommended if skin irritation occurs. Wash skins with mild soap and water immediately after working with these materials.
We used five bags of sugarcane mulch on Kathy's beautiful Vegetable Garden.   First we put down a thick cardboard covering that was well soaked and then put on the mulch and soaked it with water,  this will do the garden well.

Eminpee Fotography!

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Thursday, March 20, 2014


IMG 3365 Spooning and Scraping
Massage Prices in the Plaza

 In 1905, Tokujiro Namikoshi was born into a family of four children.  His family moved to Hokkaido where his mother developed painful Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Tokujiro became his mothers carer for her pain and massaged her,  he developed a form of pressure massage which helped his mothers pain considerably.In these early days,  only two kinds of natural therapy existed in Japan. A Western-style Swedish massage and an ancient Chinese acupressure massage technique called "Anma."

Tokujiro studied Anma under an expert and earned his license. Returning to Hokkaido Tokujiro opened his first clinic.  He didn't offer Anmar or Accupressure Massage.   He offered the pressing technique he had developed  himself yet unnamed.

As he practiced in his own way, he wondered what he should call his method.  He saw the word "Shiatsu" in a magazine article, referring to "finger pressure."  He liked it, although he was mostly using his thumbs for pressure at the time.

Hence  . .

Zen Shiatsu  (definition - finger pressure) is a Japanese form of massage therapy that concentrates not only on releasing muscles and tight spots, but also balancing the body’s meridian pathways that are used in acupuncture.
A scientific explanation as to how shiatsu works would be -

"It sedates an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which improves circulation, relieves stiff muscles and alleviates stress on the adrenal glands".
An Eastern Medicine explanation is shiatsu uses the same points and pathways as acupuncture, and aims to treat the underlying cause of any health condition.
"Shiatsu is regarded by many as acupuncture without needles".

 Some of the main differences between Shiatsu massage and conventional Swedish massage therapy.

This is practiced onto acupuncture meridian points and extra points.
Application of  deep and gentle pressure with,
the palms of the hands,

the pads of the thumbs,
elbows and knees
Cloths on 
  Zen Shiatsu works.   It works just as well  through the cloths.  This allows for greater patient comfort and its less messy to deal with out of home with as massage oils can leave you feeling greasy and messy.

 Due to pressure being applied to a smaller surface area and having treatment performed on a comfortable futon on the ground, it is much easier to get into deeper tissue where tension is normally present. The amount of pressure applied is only as much as is comfortable for patients.   Matt Sincock..

 Typical effects from treatment include increased energy, relaxation, better sleep and normalized digestion.

People who experience a Zen Shiatsu massage thereafter usually prefer it to any other type of massage.

Zen Shiatsu is a technique that the Japanese have used for centuries.
Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A new CSG threat to the Blue Mountains PELA 158


Email the prepared Email Submission below by clicking on the link above here and going to their webpage.

There are limitations with the prepared email facility.
For example, it may not work with web-based email programs - such as Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail.
If the prepared email facility doesn't function, please use the email text below to prepare your own email, and send it to The Manager, Coal & Petroleum Titles and Systems:


Subject:  Submission on PELA 158 lodged by Ceemac Pty Ltd.

But if you copy and paste the form below if you have any issues and remember to add you name and address to the body of the Email at the bottom of the text and send.   Easy as.  
Thank You ~ BMCS ~

The prepared email reads -
The Manager,
Coal & Petroleum Titles and Systems
Re: A Submission on PELA 158 lodged by Ceemac Pty Ltd
I submit that PELA 158 should be rejected.
Exploration and mining of minerals is prohibited by the National Parks and Wildlife Act, and breaches the intent and objectives of the Wilderness Act.
The International Council on Mining and Metals stipulate it is against international best practice to mine within, or adjacent to, a World Heritage Area.
The area covered by the PELA covers a significant part of the catchment for Sydney's water supply. CSG mining in the Pilliga has caused water pollution with uranium levels 20 times above safe drinking water guidelines.
Leaks of highly flammable methane gas from CSG exploitation are common. The Blue Mountains is already a highly bushfire-prone area. Additional threat posed by fire to the ecology, lives, homes and livelihoods of its residents cannot be justified.
Tourism is the Blue Mountains only real industry; the basis for that tourism is its World Heritage status. Almost all businesses in the Mountains depend on tourism in some way. Damage to its ecology could cause loss of this status, and an economic disaster for the region.
Blue Mountains City Council has declared this area CSG free. We the people do not want it here.
 it looks like this when you are finished:

My email to the government, copied from the draft.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Splintering the Enemy by Peter Deane

IMG 7862

Splintering the Enemy - some observations for campaigners.


Okay, you've got your cause. It's the greatest scourge since the slave trade, and it needs to be stopped.  The government isn't listening and it appears there are vested interests pushing their agenda.

What next?

Naturally, you need to protest. But beware: the organisation pushing their desires are fully aware people will object to what they're doing.  They know, probably better than anyone else, exactly what the negative consequences are for their push.  They've done their homework, and have reams of research answering anticipated objections.  They can release this gradually over a long term so it gives an appearance they constantly have all the answers, and this pesky little Greenie group doesn't know what they are talking about.

Let's pause a little and make some assumptions for this article.  I will refer to the organisation (almost always a publicly listed company) trying to do something objectionable as the "Pusher", and they are promoting their "push".  Campaigners will be known as protestors, which is not so ambiguous.

There are several big advantages a Pusher has.  They are normally large, driven by the profit motive, and united.  That last point is the focus of this article.  Almost all statements coming from the Pusher are issued centrally, in an organised manner.  

Some lazy members of the press won't even investigate and write their own story.  Once they strike up a relationship with a Pusher, they'll often simply reproduce their press releases word-for-word, and they'll take home their paycheques for being a "journalist".  The Pusher, encouraged by this, might become aware of the fact, and even include some minor objections in their press releases, so that coverage obtained looks less than uniformly positive, and thus reduces the suspicion of readers.

This is all going on in the corporate world of the Pusher.  They'll have a legal department, media relations department, loads of experience dealing with the press and a lot of money.  A lot more resources than a protest group will ever be able to muster.

The battle with protestors is always one where the two competing sides are most definitely not on a level playing field.  Protestors can only watch on with awe at the resources a Pusher has at its disposal.  And you might be thinking "what's the point - I can't possibly compete with that - I'll just give up now and get back to my usual life".  I'd say a lot of protestors end up doing exactly that.

And don't the Pushers know it?  A corporation has another advantage - longevity.  The record for a human is 116 years.  But there are some corporations in the world that have been in existence for several centuries.  They have long-term goals, and even if something gets banned now, then in twenty years time it might start reaping benefits for the Pusher, so a few useful procedures taken at this point in time might end up paying off in a decade or two.  It might be worth it, because a corporation has longer term goals than a human.  It's a very common practice, for example, for a company being sued by a person they've made sick to delay all their actions using legal and other methods, and then wait for the opponent to die.  That normally shuts the protestor up completely.

But the main advantage a Pusher has over the protestors is a united voice.  Press are required to only deal with the media relations officer of the company.  Strict guidelines are developed in what can and can't be said.  But the main thing is that these statements will be reported in the media as "Pusher said..." or "A spokesperson for Pusher told us..."  And all the media coverage is centred on the one point.

Compare this to protest groups. On Facebook, there are, for example, over 1,000 pages opposing the operations of companies wanting to exploit Coal Seam Gas reserves.  Without going into the merits of the issue, this by its very existence, is a major barrier to the protestors.  There isn't a united voice against the cause.  There are thousands.

A Pusher will see this and use it to their advantage.  It's not one united voice standing up against the Pusher's cause, it's an array of fractured groups, with a vague common purpose, but little else in common.  So the technique of divide and conquer is something the Pusher can employ.  They can even get this advantage with absolutely no effort on their part, when individual groups protest about EACH OTHER and how they are going to do deal with it.

An interest group should have one objective (ie to oppose whatever they want to oppose) and NO MORE, otherwise it de-focuses their efforts.  It's normally difficult enough to get enough volunteers to do mundane things like stuffing envelopes, or turning up early on Saturday morning to man the Sausage Sizzle stall. 

In a regional area with a small population, you might be lucky to get enough people to do this effectively for one group.  Yet the ponderous thing is that in a small country town, you might see three or four "splinter" groups set up protesting against the same thing, simply because one group does not like another group's efforts.

What is missing is trust.  There's always more than one way to skin a cat.  In fact, the way Pushers work, you need to be able to attack from various fronts.  But a group needs to trust its members will do the right thing.  The members also need to trust the group to do the right thing.  Without that trust, unity is gone.

A lot of arbitrary decisions get made by local groups in undertaking tasks.  Certainly you need to agree on a plan of action and carry it out, but that plan may well include things that you, personally, don't think will work, or reckon might be using the wrong methods.  But often you reach a point in time when you need to do SOMETHING. 

The decision on what exactly that something is might be a very difficult value judgment.

A group is made up of a disparate number of people all with varying talents, abilities and available time and resources.  Obviously people are going to think differently and come up with different answers to the same question.  But deep down they all believe the same thing, ie that Pusher is an evil force and needs to be stopped.

You need to step back and look at the motivation behind each person's actions.  It is to protest against the Pusher.  You're home and hosed with that alone - try not to complicate it, and leave it at that.

What it becomes is XXXX is going to protest against Pusher by doing YYYY
I don't think we have any place doing YYYY, I'd rather do ZZZZ, so I'm going to object to XXXX and go off and join AA instead, and give XXXX a spray for coming up with such a stupid idea in the first place. 

Keep thinking like this and your visits to AA might become more frequent, or the requirement of a court order.

But what it means is the efforts are de-valued.  It makes it difficult to protest because "always the same people turn up and no-one else ever joins in", plus not only is the Pusher working against you, but groups who have exactly the same stated intent are also working counter-productively.  
In this case who are your enemies?  It'd be a lot quicker to list your allies.
Pushers jump on this opportunity.  Despite the validity of a message that a protest group might have (eg if Pusher keeps doing this, then all aquatic life with 100 km will die) the Pusher can simply point out that ah yes, that's what XXXX says and they did YYYY, but another group has instead said KKKK and rejected XXXX's statements completely.  They can do this with little or no effort on their part.

All your energies protesting, all your valid arguments, are all not so much lost, but their effect is substantially reduced.  If your Pusher can say that, and you're not even starting to explore the validity of your arguments, what is the point in protesting at all?

When groups spend time countering each other's activities, that time is completely wasted.  Indeed, it's worst than wasted as it will probably reduce the effectiveness of other campaigns, and consume the meagre resources protest groups have.

Before you question someone or a group's efforts, ask yourself the motivation behind their actions.  If these motivations are based on hate and violence, then perhaps you do have a valid reason to object to that group.  But that's a rare extreme case.  People in protest groups are motivated by a disdain of what they're protesting about, and they react by doing whatever they can do within their power.  Their motives are usually kind-hearted and come from deeply within their hearts.  They only have malice for the pusher, not other protest groups.

So if you think a group might be doing the wrong thing, don't have a look at the details of a protest, look at the motivation behind it.  You need to trust the fact that other group is doing exactly what your group is doing, only using different methods, and different resources.  It's quite valid to object to a protest motivated by the wrong reasons, but I'd put it to you that that would never be the case for a small locally based protest group.

Splintering the protest group into a fragmented and disorderly rabble is EAXCTLY what the Pusher will want.  It might happen with no effort whatsoever on the Pusher's part, but it WILL affect the effectiveness of your actions.  Don't do it.
(Peter Deane)
My yarn on this subject
Good bit of writing, a little hairy in the XXXX and AA and YYYY etc but if you re read that a couple of times you will get his drift there. 
Nothing has changed in groups and or teams since I studied this as a subject at TAFE.   People do inevitably pull together in the face of adversity.  But there is good old human nature and all of my years in soccer showed me this also.  I have much experience with committees and working in teams,  it isn't easy ever.  This is the reason a lot of people don't want to get involved is because this always happens and I mean it ALWAYS seems to happen.   Human Nature see.

I think it is a tool that is used in close groups and it is done with the help of what I have learned is called and Agent Provocateur a french word for trouble maker.

I was well schooled in this by Lock the Gate people.  I had never heard of that term before then though even though in Groups and Teams work I studied how people respond in situations.
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