Friday, October 18, 2013

"The kingdom of heaven is within you and who so ever shall know himself shall find it".

From the Egyptian Mystery Series by Dee Smith

The following is what I transcribed while listening to the video and learning as I typed a manuscript for my own use and for the use of anyone else who feels they would like to see what the hell is really going on.

I am so grateful to Dee at Thyalwaysseek for the indepth wisdom from which all of the videos in this series have been presented for the benefit of the planet.

tarot (Photo credit: terriem)
Following the trail of scattered pieces left to us we can reclaim our divinity once again.  For us to know our divinity we have to know thyself as the ancient Egyptian proverb tells us "The kingdom of heaven is within you and who so ever shall know himself shall find it". 

We are all ethereal beings but we have forgotten this.  Before we can unlock and understand  the meanings in all of the symbolism we must first know who we are.

 This is where the key of the TAROT along with the newly uncovered knowledge from ancient Egypt help us to reveal the truth that has been hidden for so long.  To begin to know ourselves, we must once again think to the Fibonacci sequence and remember that everything expands and grows using this sequence along with sacred geometry.  When we use this universal sequence of numbers and the golden mean spiral along with the TAROT we begin to see this hidden information revealed.

Golden funeral mask of king Tutankhamun
Golden funeral mask of king Tutankhamun (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Everything in our universe births, expands and grows using this blue print.  When we look further into the Golden Mean Spiral we can see it is divided into sections.  When we correspond these Golden mean sections to the Major Accanna in the Tarot we begin to understand the evolution of our souls and our true divinity.
Fibonacci spiral with square sizes up to 34
Fibonacci spiral with square sizes up to 34 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
However before we start down the path of the TAROT and begin to unravel their secrets  lets first get a bit of history to this key that has been left to us.  The Tarots original author is unknown and it is also uncertain as to exactly where and when the Tarot came into existence but it is believed to  have originated in Egypt about 3500 years ago and was brought to Europe by the Rom or Gypsies as they traveled to Europe from India.

Due to the increasing religious intolerance of the antichrist Catholics, and their attempts to suppress  esoteric knowledge and sacred truths from humanity, The Magi who were in possession of this sacred knowledge were forced to encrypt these secrets into the TAROT CARDS to keep this ancient wisdom safe from manipulation and destruction.

NJW_0838 (Photo credit: Nick Winterhalter)
 THE TAROT was devised using the principals of the Kabbalah but we can also see symbolism from Ancient Egypt,The Runes, Astrology and Numerology and they also equate to the Chakras and colour symbolism.

Qabalistic Tree of Life In the Golden Dawn tra...
Qabalistic Tree of Life In the Golden Dawn tradition the Emperor is associated with path 15, and the Star with path 28. However, my tradition is not that of the Golden Dawn. My tradition is from the Gareth Knight, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, Servants of the Light lineage, which places the Emperor on path 28, and the Star on path 15. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Tarot consists of a deck of  78 cards in total.  This is made up of 22 Major Acana cards numbered from Zero to 21 and the Minor Acana consists of 56 cards however it is the Major Acana cards that we will focus on to help us decode this hidden information. 

Now we have an understanding of the importance of the TAROT and that they are not some novelty for telling fortunes as we have been led to believe.

Tarot card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, al...
Tarot card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, also known as the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The First card is the ZERO CARD, and not only does the zero card represent the beginning of the Major Acana in the Tarot but it is also the first number of the fibonacci secquence. 

This card ZERO equates to the Fool and represents Orion the location for  the God consciousness in our material realm.  We can see this also in the VICONTI TAROT CARDS that surfaced around the 15th Century.  On this card you can see a clear depiction of Orion with his club and feathers in his hair.  We see that the Rider Waite Tarot card also shows  the Fool  with a feather in his cap and if we look at ancient constellation maps we see that Orion is depicted with a club and once again feathers in his cap, These feathers as with the feather that is placed on the scale to weighed against the heart as in the ancient Egyptian weighing of the heart ceremony are symbolic of the god light of Orion. 

The Fool (tarot card), painted by Bonifacio Be...
The Fool (tarot card), painted by Bonifacio Bembo, part of the Visconti-Sforza tarot deck. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some feathers like peacock and duck feathers display their colour with a process called structural colouring  instead of pigment.  Structural colouring is where the cellular structure of the feather or as with the shells of scarab beetles are actually formed in a way where they refract wave lengths of light to their create their colour.  So once again we see this connection to changing angles of light also contained within this symbolism. 

A male scarab beetle (Oxysternon conspicillatum).
A male scarab beetle (Oxysternon conspicillatum). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is where the term FEATHER in your CAP originates from.  This term was used to describe a great achievement or special honor.  For those whose hearts are equal in weight to the feather, that is a great acheivement and special honor indeed for they are rewarded with the highest consciouness in Zep Tepi or Aru  - The field of Reeds, as the ancient Egyptians described their garden of Eden.

We must pay attention to some of these old sayings as they are actually remnants of truth that have managed to survive.

Title page of first printed edition of the Zoh...
Title page of first printed edition of the Zohar, main sourcebook of Kabbalah, from Mantua Italy in 1558 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When we look to the Kabbalah tree of life we see that the very top sephiroth is also connected to Orion and the Fool Card.  This Sephiroth is called Kether which means CROWN, it it also interpreted as both the top most and regal crown.  Just like the Crown chakra, it sits above the head and is not apart of the body, and this also why it is known as the crown because a crown is worn above the head. 

The symbol of the crown is also seen in many alchemical drawings of the male and female twins souls and is symbolic of the re uniting with God consciousness and thus being crowned,  This is why royalty wears crowns, as they are emanating this crowning of God consciousness however they are nothing but mere frauds that took the opportunity to enslave the masses and crown themselves.

All of the other sephiroth below the crown are likened to the body, which starts with the head depicted by CHOKMAH and BINAH with DALETH symbolic of the 'Third Eye' Chakra directly located in the middle.  The Third eye is also related to the Pineal Gland if we are to take the perspective of this area in the physical, and not the ethereal body. 

English: Diagram of chakras and Kundalini in a...
English: Diagram of chakras and Kundalini in a human being Italiano: Diagramma dei chakra e della Kundalini in un essere umano (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
DALETH is also called the Door or the 'Door of the Tent', and it is symbolic for this energy point being the gateway to god consciousness which is located at the CROWN. 

If we look to Hindu mythology we see that they saw the 'Third Eye' Chakra as a gateway, for they believed that the spiritual  energy from the external environments could enter their body through this gateway and hence, they take the utmost precaution in protecting it with spiritually positive protecting forces.  

From this point in the Kabbalah tree it desends downwards until it reaches the root Chakra that equates to MALKUTH.  But the symbolism on the fool card is not only symbolic of Orion, our God consciousness, it is also symbolizing the potential soul before it has been birthed into existence and splits into twin souls of male and female.  If we look to KETHER on the Kabbalah tree of life it represents the primal stirrings of intent in the AIN SOPH.

AIN SOPH in the KABBALAH means GOD prior to self manifestation.   This is because GOD manifests a part of himself in the souls that are birthed onto the material realm.  It is also said of KETHER, that it is so sublime that it is called in the ZOHAR the "most hidden of all hidden things" and is completely incomprehensible to man.  This is once again speaking of God for what else but God can be so incomprehensible to man.

Tarot card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, al...
On the card we see the FOOL is being depicted  in the ethereal, walking towards the cliffs edge in innocence completely unaware that he is about to be manifest onto the material realm below.  In his pack he is holding the unknown potential of the souls.  We see this is also connected to  KETHER, in that it contains all the potential for content though it contains no content itself and is therefore called "nothing".  We know the Number Zero also equates to nothing. 

The souls purity is also symbolized by the white flower, at this point as the number zero and Kether symbolizes, they are still only just a potential in Gods consciousness for they are not yet manifest.  The white sun is symbolic of the galactic core "Atum" and the dog is representing Sirrius or Canis Majoris and is known as the Dog Star. 

In ancient times the seasons following the stars appearance came to be known as the Dog days of Summer and coins retrieved from the island of CHIOS in the Agean Sea from the third century BC feature dogs or stars with emanating rays highlighting Sirius's importance. 

Tarot card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, al...
Tarot card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, also known as the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Orions belt also points to the brightest star in the sky and that star is Sirius.  Orions Belt and Sirius also line up with significant locations of ancient sites around the world.  We see this with the Hopi Mesas that lines up with Orions belt and then we see Sirius correlating to the CHACKO Canyon.  In Mexico city the Streets of the Dead lines up with Orions Belt and Sirius correlates to the largest pyramid complex in the world, Chalula the Great Pyramid of the Sun.  In Egypt we see that Orions belt lines up with the three pyramids of Giza and Sirius lines up to Heliopolis which is one of the oldest cities in Egypt and is also known as the city of the sun. 

Zohar Pendant 2
Zohar Pendant 2 (Photo credit: smontagu)
We can see that Orion and Sirius are definitely related to each other and have an important connection so it is not surprizing we see the symbol for Sirius in the form of a white dog on the fool card.  In the other symbolism of the card we see the ice and the sun symbolic of the polarity of Gods infinite energy.  Energy is always equal in polarity of positive and negative.  This is what gives energy its force and momentum.

Now we understand what the FOOL Card is really representing we will now look at the male and female twin souls of the Magician and the High Priestess.

I had to include this picture because it is just like the mobile I crocheted and stiffened and hung in my back window of our house.Enhanced by Zemanta

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