Friday, September 20, 2013

The Franklins Ride Send off to Canberra!

I travelled to Grafton by Train in the afternoon for Two dollars Fifty.  I called Misty to get the blessing to play hooky from my radio show since the ride was sponsored by Melonpop Drive 2bbb.

 My crochet last train trip - Photo by Suzanne
On the way up on the train I made a hat and was much more successful than last time.  Suzanne and Merv picked me up at the train and I was so grateful.  We went back out to the Five Mile Hotel and met up with everyone else.

The Fire was great all night and I never moved from it and I never went to bed because the fire was just too good and the people were just too awesome.

IMG 3944 Dawn
It's still night time even though it doesn't look it.
Before settling in front of this fire we danced our feet off over at the hotel with a lovely couple who were extremely versatile and entertained us for the earlier part of the evening.  Merv and I drank some Wild Turkeys and I had a great time.   I loved giving Donna her hat.  I didn't take a photo today but I will get one in the morning in the daylight hours.  It looked fabulous on and she loved that it accommodated  her dreds.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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