Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Jesse.. Congratulations on your Graduation Montana

All on the same day... It certainly was a big day for all of us.  I was emotional but I tried to hide it the best I could but I know that is just a hopeless task as I shed tears so freely because of those high emotions and the fact that I am in touch with my heart energy and sometimes it fairly zings inside of me and tears just well in response to this.

IMG 3821.1  Montana's Graduation Assemnbly
Montana sitting behind her principal Mr Goudella.

IMG 3832 Montana and Bob
Montana looking really shocked getting her congratulations from Bob Stockton (retired Principal)
 Montana's Principal changed this year.  Mr Stockton retired.  He had been principal for so many years that I have lost count, however  and Mr Bob Stockton was on hand to do awards although he is retired.

This was on Jesses Crib in the Wesley Hospital Brisbane when he was born in 1988

I didn't contact Jesse for his birthday, more to the exact truth I could't as I have no contact phone number or address to even send him a birthday card.  He not only de-friended me on facebook but he also blocked me.

So it was not a good thing to happen right before his birthday.  But that was the result of my emotive outburst to that foolish Rodgers fellah!

Still and all I wish Jesse all the best for his birthday and for the coming year of his life as he is now 25 years old and no longer a young lad.  He is now a man.  I have never seen him as a man, 

I wonder when he is going to start acting like a man and give some respect and some credit to his mother who is not any of the things he has been led down the garden path to believe. 

How ever there is no mistakes and so this is a learning lesson for all of us and that includes him as well.  I must continue to sit with this and let the universe take its course.

Jesse on his first day at school. 
Jesse's Birthday that year was fun! It was a great party!  he turned Five.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography
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