Sunday, June 09, 2013

What are COLOURS Really?

Color picture
Color picture (Photo credit: @Doug88888)
Colour is an amazing thing.  It is in everything.  All colour comes from the three base  or primary colours  of Yellow Red and Blue and that these number 3 is very important in understanding the universe. 

If you understand colour and its gender you can then understand a part of the universe that was once hidden to some and just how these laws effect all matter and spirit  and permeate through all things for eternity.


This blog  post is primarily pointed towards mixing paint colours like you do when you  mix colour paint with your children and for yourself.  Light reflecting through a prism responds differently to that of mixing colour.   We are only dealing with paint here.

Mixing paint is  a lot of fun especially achieving the differing shades along the way.  
"Mixing paint is akin to giving birth to children and wondering what they will look like when you mix mum and dad together."   M. Peters 2013
Those three base colours of pure red, pure blue and pure yellow have often been called the parent colours because from those three all the others are created.  They are the Primary Colours and where printer ink is concerned those primary colours are referred to as Yellow, Magenta and Cyan.

   Blue  Yellow


Red, green and blue lights showing secondary c...
Red, green and blue lights showing secondary colours. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When you have a combination of any two of the Pure Primary Colours you will achieve three new colours called Secondary Colours.  These come from the parent colours  or parent hues and so are like the children born from this relationship.
Yellow + Red = ORANGE
Red + Blue = VIOLET or PURPLE
Blue + Yellow = GREEN


When you mix a Primary colour with  its nearest Secondary colour on the basic color wheel, six new colours are created called Tertiary colors or tertiary hues as some people refer to them as.

Yellow + Orange = YELLOW-ORANGE
Red + Orange = RED-ORANGE
Red + Violet = RED-VIOLET
Blue + Violet = BLUE-VIOLET
Blue + Green = BLUE-GREEN
Yellow + Green = YELLOW-GREEN

Adding the primary, the secondary and the tertiary colours together gives us a total of 12 basic colours.  With these basic colours an endless variety of colour can be achieved  for shades tones and tints.
Our response as humans to colour is influenced by our memories etc but its also fact that nature has hard wired us to respond in very similar ways to colour. 
Colour is a language with its own unique vocabulary.  Words emit an energy and so does colour.  Chrystal Healing takes into account the colour energies as well as the energy of the chrystal.

SAM 7980 Full Tilt of Colours

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