Monday, June 10, 2013

The Hermetic Teachings are to be found in all lands, among all religions.


The Hermetic Teachings are to be found in all lands, among all religions, but never identified with any particular country, nor with any particular religious sect. This because of the warning of the ancient teachers against allowing the Secret Doctrine to become crystallized into a creed.

The Hermetic Teachings of the Gnostics and Early Christians which were lost during the rulership of Emperor Constantine, when his ruler ship covered the  philosophy with the blanket of theology,.  This caused a loss of the true essence and spirit from the Christian Church. 

The church has been blindly  groping around half truths ever since and this is for centuries and is only now people are beginning to ask more questions and the church is interested now in finding its roots.  This is apparent to religious observers as the Church is now struggling to get back to its ancient mystic teachings.

IMG 1230

I knew in my heart of hearts there was much more to the story, how could all of this taken place when the maths were adding up so fast and the history was so clear, and for the life of me I cannot understand how more academic people than myself who are active church goers don't ask the same questions?  I am really mystified by this fact.   I am sure there is a reason there is scales over there eyes and blockages in their ears for now.  

The knowledge would obviously blow their mind's and their world's apart on a level that perhaps they would not ever recover from.  It is just too much for some to take it on the chin like that.

Education on all levels is freedom and not all education occurs in books, sometimes the best learning is simply within nature herself.  Experience the hum of the planet in the quiet of quiet if that is possible.   I know for many this is just not possible,  those that can, could visualize a city friend with them to enlarge the experience on a spirtual level at the very least.   Have a go...

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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