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Enegetic Communities sowing a Common Thread.
Community Owned Renewable Energy (CORE)
Many Australians want more renewable energy, but are disempowered by the lack of choice in where their power comes from, with much of the profits of power generation leaving their communities. If you neither have the capital or the roof to put on solar, community owned renewable energy allows you to change this, as it provides renters, apartment owners, community groups, businesses and those on a low income with the ability to contribute, own and benefit from renewable energy when they can’t afford or are unable to install their own.
We aim to build community resilience to the twin concerns of Peak Oil and Climate Change, while also building a sense of community. Energetic Communities is currently establishing a CORE organisation as a seperate entity to Energetic Communities. It is this entity that will develop, own, install and manage a 30-100kW solar installation, our first community owned project.
We are also currently discussing what technology to use for future projects, including wind, solar or anaerobic digestion, or perhaps several of these. We are also talking to various SEQ communities who wish to start their own Community Owned Renewable Energy project. Feel free to contact us to ask about out journey so far!
Would you like to see a Queensland Community Power Cooperative?
Do you have an skills you could share with us? Would you like to receive updates? Please sign up to our mailing list here or in the menu to the right and let us know how you would like to be involved or how you can contribute.
Ideally, what we're looking for in potential sites is:
- Large unshaded north facing roof.
- You own the building (or site) or have a long term lease.
- You have a high electricity demand.
- Electricity bills of thousand of dallars per month.
Energetic Communities is a Social Enterprise developing Community Owned Renewable Energy and providing services in:
Carbon Footprinting
Sustainability Assessment and Planning.
Energy Efficiency
Carbon Management
Business Efficiency
Peak Oil
Climate Change and Sustainability Research and Consultancy
We have staff members working on sustainability in communities and business and a range of advisers assisting in developing a Community Owned Renewable Energy Co-operative.
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