Saturday, February 02, 2013

Speaking out your Pain is one way - Reflecting again

This is ultimately hardest on others, those who are fortunate enough to be there to listen.  They mostly find it hard to just be, not judge and let it go full circle. This enables the person to work out what to do with the thoughts they had in the first place. 

I still feel it is better to get emotional pain out by talking about it in this manner.  Reflecting on the past and remembering what good things were there in the past, honestly.  Using common sense to look at situations fairly.

Honesty has to play a great part in this.  If it doesn't, then this whole scenario will remain on an unfair playing field.  The field must be leveled and then truth will surface because then the light will shine evenly upon the situation.  At the moment there rests a lot in darkness, this needs to be exposed.

IMG 8591 Sky water clouds
Dawn Reflections in the water at Urunga.
 I took this image yesterday, I thought it was a beauty because I love textured images and this fits the bill for me.

Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr

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