Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My theory is the Mobile Telephone use has interupted the resonance of the animals of the planet.

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Why did we ever think that pumping microwaves through our brain would be alright.   Humanity has zero idea what this is doing to us.  The jury is still out on this one.  I for one, dislike  to talk on these devices for extended periods of time.  Because the youth are seeming to be born with these in our cultures at present, I do hold concerns about all of our children and mobile telephone use.   We were all swept up in the fairy tale image of mobile communication when the technology opened up to the entire world.   We didn't think.  We are now 15 years down the track since the craze took off in this country and there is still no definitive proof that its safe.

Electrical tension and frequencies are very real and our planet has a frequency of 7.83Hz  which is known as the Schumann resonance.  Tension is  discharged by lightening in the earths ionosphere cavity.   The pulse of the earth is exactly 7.83Hz   absolutely identical to the Alpha waves of the human brain.  We are tuned into this identical pulse of life frequency.  

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Hans Berger used an EEG machine and made the first ever recording of the human brain, and he named these the Alpha waves.  The brains frequency that controls our creativity, performance, emotions our stress our immune system and our entire being is tuned into the same frequency as the Earth.  Berger and Schumann worked together on this after their separate discoveries in the onset.

The pulse of the Earth is the pulse of life itself.  If this was a coincidence, it was natures most spectacular coincidence  to come to light yet.  There is a lot to be learned from this.  The very minute change in oxygen in the blood is enough to kill a lot of bad stuff, using drugs is just another way we have been conned for a lot of reasons. 

Not all medicine is bad.  It is also what has happened in medicine with big pharmaceutical companies wielding the power once again with lots of money being flashed around to sell things in that are really not to our benefit as a human species.

RICK WEAVER   These are the men we need to thank for doing all of the research that shows what these resonances are in a scientific fashion for those less spiritual ones can see the hard evidence of what all indigenous cultures know by various names and in Australia it is in the Dreaming of the original people of the land.  The land and them are one and the same.  This connection is fully understood with these people.  They do not need to use EEG machines, they know this is the fact.

Images @ Melopopzdropz Flickr
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