Tuesday, October 02, 2012

First release all past thought patterns and repressed emotions from our cellular memory.

 We need to do this to change our old restricted thought patterns, so that we can manifest our goals and desires faster.  Mihael Simic
Mary-Ellen and Jesse as a baby at Sea World 
 Clearing the negative energy blockages from my system helps me to fully open up to receive new vibrant energy which replenishes and heals my physical, mental and emotional system from all past victimization's, guilt and anger.  There are only two emotions available and that is Fear and Love. 

Everything comes from those two alone.  Because of the inflictions by others I have lived primarily in a place of fear to protect my self.  I have been over hyper vigilant and there is time now for this to cease.  It is time to let go and let this all take place just as it should.  Spirit will find spirit and I must rest easy in  the knowledge of this simplicity of nature.

Montana's visit was pretty good really but it is clear to see that I am still caught up in some old fear patterns.  It was good to be able to talk to John though and communicate like he was a human being again.  He is the father of my children and really that is all that concerns me.  I am always feeling a level of concern.  This is what has to change. It is all in perfect timing and its all what needs to be.  Just let love be love and spirit be spirit.

PS Happiness is the name I called Jesse when he was inside of my belly,  I didn't know if he was a boy or a girl and so his name was just happiness.  He was referred to as this from almost the beginning.

Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr

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