Sunday, July 01, 2012

So it is the first of July today.  It is the funny month named after Julius Caesar.  Honoring a man who changed our entire history to suit the purposes of one lot of people only.  I have to say that even though I can clearly see through this, they were very successful in the carrying out of this fiendish systematic control of the people of the entire world.  I was taught that if you can control just 25% you have control over the others by default.  Interesting as this is what is happening to us and they employ many tactics to do this

IMG 1480.CR2 Over the fence
We are all in this together and we are peering through the fence and seeing the blatant injustices.

 Today is a new month and with this comes the beginning of the new financial year and the instigation of the very ugly Carbon Tax here in Australia.  It is not being accepted very well.  I think this will be the downfall of Julia but I also think the other side have got zero idea on this one as well.  It all seems very much a mess in politics and now they have all gone on a break!  Give me a break instead.  The situation has now spiraled out of control and people are joining together on the many fronts and showing their strength in numbers alone.  We will not be taken as such fools so freely.

You add this to the outrage being felt across the Northern Territory with the Stronger Futures Policy and the people dying in the water just north of Australia in boats sinking and it is very messy indeed.  Back home on the ground here people are assembling in great numbers against the government and are ready to protest and do what it takes to get the message heard around the world where Coal Seam Gas Mining is concerned. 

We have to stand by and witness the blatant use of our natural resources and we are punished as nation for turning on our lights or keeping our elderly warm and comfortable with out the fear of freezing to death .  I am ashamed!  I am also ashamed of our people to a degree that they swallow this rhetoric without question and they do not have a heart for the people of this land.  The aboriginal situation is appalling.

I feel there is some serious stuff going on and all of this is a smoke screen covering something. What the something is though has not revealed itself to me yet.  I will keep reading between the lines and hopefully I will see this before its too late. 

I am going to light fires for the kettle and bugger Julia!

Image by Mezza -  Monochrome through the fence at dawn
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