Wednesday, April 04, 2012

“In order to see birds it is necessary to become part of the silence” - Robert Wilson Lynd..

I stand there in the dawn alone.  No one else is around up there.  It is high and up where all the birds fly when they wake up and want to go and have something to eat as soon as they all stir and wake up.  It is a veritable menagerie up here at that time of the morning.

Sometimes it is actually so loud it can be a little disconcerting and you feel that surely they will crash into each other as birds of all species native to this area take flight.  The noise is very loud.  It only goes on for a short time before they all settle down to what ever they do for the day.  I think they wake up and the noise is all of them saying good morning to each other.

Anyway I love being around when this happens up here on the hill at dawn.  There is so much going on at once!

Image by Mezza - A flock of Ibis's off to breakfast in Urunga
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