Tuesday, April 03, 2012

I wonder why I want to go on  examining the old emotions again ~ I suppose it is because it isn't sorted.   So we will see as time goes on and as the Sun dawns on me a few more times if things do actually change. 

This is what I have been taking to the sunshine and laying into the light.  This stuff about the past and how to deal with it and I have been letting the light onto the subject so to speak!  I have not been afraid to brooch God for an answer to this.  I think that the God  of the Universe knows and knows everything because this is our source of all things!  The light and God are similar or the same.  I am not sure of this.  I feel a sense of reverence though.

If we as plants were to go one day with out light we would immediately start to die. This doesn't happen to us that quickly or so it may seem.  But the moment we have less light hitting our eyes we are dying.  It is this sort of light that I am speaking of.

Everything is better when light is shone onto it.  Things are much scarier in the dark.  Hell,  the dark even makes things appear very different to what they may be in the light. 

In the bible it also says many times that Jesus is the Light of the world.  Jesus doesn't make the plants grow with this light.  The light that is spoken of is knowledge.   In ancient times we were privy to much ancient knowledge that for the purposes of greed has been bred out of us and the story lines have been lost.

In aboriginal culture here in Australia they tried to destroy this as well.  Thank God that some of those story lines do still exist if only a few,  This is a sad reality, but at least some survived..

Our most ancient knowledge has also been bred out of the white folk as well.  We have no idea of our northern Nordic past. Plundering badly in long boats.  I am sure there were story lines there as well.  We do know the answers.  They are encoded within your very genetic make up.  The code for all of the past is there right back to the beginning.

This sort of technology is a little frightening  but also ground breaking.  I worry about it in the hands of the wrong person.

In times past we had to esteem our leaders and they made it difficult for the mere mortal to enter the courts. But now, it is a mere mortal who has invented the technology to outsmart this sort of LORDING over.  No longer will the knowledge be hidden in secret.  The knowledge of the absolute corruption that has shaped this society and various other societies over the years.

Image by Mezza - A Peewee on the Flagstaff
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