May the angel who redeems me from all evil, bless the children, and let my name be named in them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, and let them flourish like fish for multitude in the midst of the land.
(Genesis 48:16)
In Zoroastrianism there are different angel-like figures. For example, each person has one guardian angel, called Fravashi. They patronise human beings and other creatures, and also manifest God’s energy.
I often make things from virtually nothing creating something useful from what others may term as rubbish or view with little or no esteem. It is within these things that I try to find the original beauty from the pieces elements as presented to me.
I have all of my beads out on the table and I have been waiting for that wave to overcome me as it does and when it does is when I create these decals. I love them and I love to make them from various materials.
Pictured above is part of the base of one of these and the beads seemingly took on a persona of an angel. As soon as it was hung in the window I saw her and I felt compelled to say hello.
We all know angels hang out in strange places. This angel seems to want to hang out in my back window and I love her and think she is quite lovely. I think she likes the sun like I do and that is why she has chosen to hang out here with me in this spot.
I will get this wave I talk about and it is a creative wave. I tend to call it the zone. It isn't something I can manipulate though. It comes and when it comes I do not have much control as I will create the most amazing things no matter where I am or whatever is at my disposal.
Image by Mezza - Part of one of the window decals I made.
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