I was sent a link to read about Germs. It was a Facebook post by Katya Howard. I read this eagerly as I saw what I had come to know from my own observations was also the opinions of valued scientists who had debunked the 'Germ Theory' as detrimental to all of life itself.
I have always argued that germs are part of the all and play an enormous part in our level of bodily health. I have also argued that killing all germs weakens our immunity and that this becomes genetic and our children then inherit our immune deficiency issues.
There has been a lot of mistakes made along the way and from my perspective this is because Man has made himself God and somehow taken on the idea that God was wrong. God the word can be inflammatory to some who would prefer 'intelligent design'. That is alright in this context as it will mean the same thing in light of this subject of Germs.
I found in the comments below that she had reprinted this information from a web page found here:
THE STORY OF OZONE by Saul Pressman linked here
I have always argued that germs are part of the all and play an enormous part in our level of bodily health. I have also argued that killing all germs weakens our immunity and that this becomes genetic and our children then inherit our immune deficiency issues.
There has been a lot of mistakes made along the way and from my perspective this is because Man has made himself God and somehow taken on the idea that God was wrong. God the word can be inflammatory to some who would prefer 'intelligent design'. That is alright in this context as it will mean the same thing in light of this subject of Germs.
I found in the comments below that she had reprinted this information from a web page found here:
THE STORY OF OZONE by Saul Pressman linked here
The work of Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Rudolph Virchow, Robert Koch, Paul Ehrlich & Emil von Behring brought about the theory of wide-spread immunization, based upon the idea of producing antibodies to 'help out' the immune system to identify & attack 'invading germs.' Through the work of Antoine Bechamp, William Koch, Royal Rife, Gunther Enderlein, Carl Edward Rosenow, Otto Warburg & Gaston Naessens, the original assumptions underlying this theory regarding the body's immune system have now been shown to be erroneous. Louis Pasteur even admitted on his deathbed that he was wrong.
The so-called 'bad' bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleomorphic shapeshifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live. Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo.
Early in this century, Dr. Carl Edward Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Laboratories began a series of experiments in which he took distinctive bacterial strains from a number of disease sources and placed them in one culture of uniform media. In time, the distinctive strains all changed and became one uniform class. By repeatedly changing cultures, he could individually modify bacterial strains, making harmless ones 'pathogenic,' and in turn reverse the process. He concluded that the critical factor controlling the nature of the bacteria was the food and environment they lived on. These discoveries were first published in 1914 in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Rosenow's work was corroborated and expanded upon about two decades later by Royal R. Rife, developer of the Universal Microscope, with a resolution of 150,000 power. This precision instrument made live bacteria and viruses visible.
Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria, such as colon bacillus, could be converted into the 'pathogenic' bacteria known as typhoid. Rife was able to observe that the viral agent associated with certain forms of cancer could in time be modified into harmless bacillus coli, and the process reversed. Rife stated that it was the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produced the disease. He believed that if the human body was perfectly balanced, it was susceptible to no disease.
This work closely paralleled Alexis Carrel's earlier research at the Rockefeller Institute where he was able to control the rates and levels of infectious disease mortality among mice by altering the diet. Researcher Rene Dubos reaffirmed these findings and suggested that virulence is an ecological problem: that is a problem of the state of internal cleanliness.
It is known that children who cannot produce antibodies in their blood (agammaglobulinemia) nevertheless recover from diseases such as measles and still have long-term immunity. People with no antibodies have been found who are extremely resistant to diseases, while other people have developed diseases to which they already had high levels of antibodies.
Official U.S. military records show that highly immunized personnel manifest a mortality rate from diphtheria four times higher than of non vaccinated civilians.
It is now clear that the body needs no 'help' of the sort provided by immunization; that antibodies in the blood stream are not required to protect the body; and that immunization can cause immune suppression, permanent nervous system damage, and growth stunting. There is also strong evidence that immunization can actually cause the diseases it was meant to prevent. This view has gained support from the writing of a report commissioned by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) from Dr. Raymond Obomsawin in 1992.
In his detailed report, Dr. Obomsawin found that the idea of induced immunity was an illusion founded on: -discredited scientific theories; -the refusal to examine contrary data; -the lack of proper followup assessment of immunized children - and poor statistical methods.
The positive impact of immunization on public health has never, repeat NEVER, been substantiated in any unbiased study. Immunized people have repeatedly fallen ill to the disease they were supposedly vaccinated against, and epidemics are statistically MORE numerous in more widely vaccinated groups (studies in Gambia, Brazil and Taiwan).
Estimates by 'experts' on the degree and severity of adverse reactions have been woefully wrong, and serious damage and even fatalities have gone unreported, preventing a true assessment of the value of immunization.
Repeatedly, statistics and reports have been manipulated in an attempt to show the effectiveness of vaccination. The best known case involves the famous Salk polio vaccine. This massive program is held up as a shining example of the effectiveness of vaccination, yet the statistical evidence shows that polio was on its natural cyclic downturn at the time of introduction of the vaccine in 1956. In one of the rare double blind tests ever done on a vaccine, the group receiving it had 200 cases of polio reported, while the control group had none. Polio disappeared in Europe in the mid-Fifties about the same time as in America, yet there was no program of mass-vaccination there.
Some scientists are now postulating that full vaccination irreparably weakens the child's immune system. These same scientists theorize that mass inoculation is responsible for the widespread escalation of auto-immune, degenerative and allergic conditions amongst those subjected to vaccination as children. A further disturbing trend is the increasing coercion placed upon parents to force them to have their children subjected to this massive invasion of their bodies. The weight of state sanctions against parents is unconscionable, especially when the true dangers of immunization have now been laid bare in this report.
Now that we know that vaccination offers no protection against disease we are left with the question of what disease, how to present it and how to treat it.
The Cause of Disease
The human body is 2/3 water, 10% of it in the blood and 90% in the lymph. It toxins are allowed to build up in the system, the water gets 'dirty.' If the blood pH varies from 7.3 then the beneficial microbes that are necessary in the body begin to change their form, and disease results.
To maintain a clean system, it is necessary to have a proper diet, one that produces a blood pH that is neither too alkaline (bacteria problems) or too acid (cancer problems). And it is necessary to have sufficient oxygen in the system to allow cellular respiration to be efficient and allow complete oxidation, preventing the production of carbon monoxide which the body cannot expel.
Each cell burns sugar (carbohydrates) in oxygen to make its fuel. The carbon-hydrogen bond is cleaved, and the oxygen bonds with the hydrogen, forming H2O (water) and CO2 (carbon dioxide). If there is insufficient oxygen available, CO (carbon monoxide) is formed instead of CO2, excessive lactic acid is formed and the blood is made more acid. If this oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) continues long enough, the cell will no longer be able to sustain the process of oxidation and it will be forced to ferment its sugar anaerobically in order to survive. This process turns off the governor on cell replication and therefore wild growth can begin. Ungoverned cell growth is called cancer.
Circulation of clean, oxygen-carrying blood is a basic requirement for optimum health, and this can be achieved by bringing ozone into the body. The least expensive way of ding that would be to live on a mountain far from the cities and breathe deeply - - the recipe for an Eastern master.
Failing that, we can use an ozone generator to create ozone from pure oxygen and bring that into the body in any one of a dozen ways in order to oxidize toxins and oxygenate the cells. Ozone works at the basic level of all important bodily functions - respiration, digestion, assimilation, elimination and immunity. And this is the answer to the question of what we substitute for the worthless and dangerous vaccination programs.
It is imperative that the red blood cells be kept free-floating and un-clumped, so that they can carry the proper amount of oxygen. Ingestion of ozone keeps red blood cells from clumping and therefore keeps circulation of the optimum level necessary for good health.
If people were to have reliable and inexpensive ozone generators in their homes, they could purify their water, their air and their bodies. If adequate nutrition and sanitation were maintained, diseases of all types could be prevented. The role of the hospital would be reduced to an extension of the emergency room for accident victims. The role of the pharmaceutical company with its noxious potions would disappear, and the level of general health would rise to new heights.
1. Disease arises from micro-organisms
originating outside the body.
2. Micro-organisms should be guarded against and destroyed to prevent disease.
3. The appearance and function of specific microorganisms is constant.
4. Every disease is associated with a particular microorganism.
5. Micro-organisms are primary causal agents.
6. Disease is inevitable and can 'strike' anybody.
7. To prevent and cure diseases, it is necessary to 'build defenses' and to destroy pathogenic micro-organisms.
1. The susceptibility to disease arises from conditions within the cells of the body.
2. Micro-organisms are beneficial and life-sustaining if the body is kept clean from toxins.
3. The appearance and function of specific micro-organisms micro- organisms changes when the host organism is injured, either mechanically, biochemically, or emotionally.
4. Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
5. Micro-organisms become associated with disease only when the cells become toxified.
6. Disease arises from conditions of increased toxicity.
7. Preventing or curing disease consists of cleaning toxicity from the body in a way that does no harm.
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