Thursday, March 15, 2018

STRAYA .. How bad is It?

IMG 6272

Ships in Port in Yamba

I decided to keep this excellent commentary from my friend Mr Forsythe because I found it to be extremely informative.
The USA makes shitloads (stacks) of money from Australia. Way more than some pathetic 3 billion you claim we get from the US. 
British and Americans own the majority of Australian resources - about 85%. They consistently pay NO TAX on these energy and mineral resources - and when we tried to tax them they literally over threw our government via advertising or use the CIA to overthrow our government (Gough Whitlam).

America corporations have taken over our public service with consulting and auditing firms - who also advise other American firms how to not pay tax - resulting in literally HUNDREDS of BILLIONS in lost revenue to the US while also costing us hundreds of billions in revenue to pay for our own public service.

While things like the ABS are outsourced to the US firms like IBM - who can't even run our census - zero accountability.

How about our ENTIRE national fiber broad band network being literally destroyed by an American so his company can continue to reap massive profits - the Prime Minister of our country announced the destruction of the NBN from fucking Fox Studios.

Companies like Raytheon are literally running our military while we have US military all over our country.

We are a vassal state which is forced into terrible trade deals which cost thousands of lives protecting US IP laws on pharmaceuticals while countries like India pay cents - we're buying next to USELESS US military hardware and are endlessly forced into sending Australian men and women to DIE for US political interests.  
America corporations have taken over our public service with consulting and auditing firms - who also advise other American firms how to not pay tax - resulting in literally HUNDREDS of BILLIONS in lost revenue to the US while also costing us hundreds of billions in revenue to pay for our own public service. 
While things like the ABS are outsourced to the US firms like IBM - who can't even run our census - zero accountability. 
How about our ENTIRE national fiber broad band network being literally destroyed by an American so his company can continue to reap massive profits - the Prime Minister of our country announced the destruction of the NBN from fucking Fox Studios.
Companies like Raytheon are literally running our military while we have US military all over our country. 
We are a vassal state which is forced into terrible trade deals which cost thousands of lives protecting US IP laws on pharmaceuticals while countries like India pay cents - we're buying next to USELESS US military hardware and are endlessly forced into sending Australian men and women to DIE for US political interests.
Images @ Eminpee Fotography 

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