Saturday, June 18, 2016

Jackie Huggins .. Ayr to Inala.

Jackie is a Bidjara / Birri Gubba Juru woman from Queensland. She was born in Ayr and grew up in Inala attending Serviceton State School and Inala State High where she left at age 15.

She returned to study at 26 and three degrees later finished tertiary education in 1989. She says that education was her salvation and encourages others to get a good education for better outcomes for their lives.
Jackie has had a fierce determination to improve the status of her people at all costs.

After 14 years of employment at the University of Queensland Jackie now works as a consultant in Indigenous affairs. Jackie has had a fantastic career so far, meeting Presidents, Prime Ministers and even dining with the Queen. She has been on many boards including the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation 1994-2000, Reconciliation Australia and the Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal Children form Their Families in 1995 to name a few.

Jackie loves to write and has written two books, the biography of her mother, "Auntie Rita" and "Sistergirl" and other numerous articles. Her advice to young Indigenous people is "Be proud of who you are, your family and community. Listen to your heart as well as the wise teachings of life".

For further information about studying at the University of Queensland see:

Jackie was in school with my brothers and sisters at Inala 4077 Queensland.  My father built a house there because the land was affordable.  He was a paraplegic injured working for the PMG as  lines man.  Other notable people to be in the Inala picture is George Negus who has a younger man before entering journalism  taught at Inala High.

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