Friday, August 29, 2014

Community Groups Protest the Governments Budget Cuts

Joe Hockey's budget is a complete failure to govern the people successfully.  There has not been very many good decisions made.  Hockey won't live down the comment about poor people and driving and before their term is up there will be more of those.  Hundreds of community groups went to Canberra to show the coalition government the budget cuts are unjust and harsh.  They signed a statement and the statement read.
IMG 7929
"We do not accept that these measures are necessary to achieve budget sustainability when fairer alternatives exist"
"Our Parliament has a choice between harmful and helpful action.
"We urge all elected members of Parliament to reject current proposals which will reduce support to low income and disadvantaged members of our community."  Read More ABC
Clive Palmer's  Palmer United Party (PUP) holds the crucial balance-of-power votes in the Senate.  Because of the PUP position the coalition may be up the creek without a paddle and PUP vow they will not support the budget cuts.

The Coalition changes to the pension age and payment rates, cuts to family payments, and reductions and cuts to unemployment benefits for young people all spell a recipe for disaster.  To hit those who are already doing things tough seems to be and extremely unfavorable  move and the GP Co-Payment also planned Clive Palmer announced it was dead in the water also.

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser said he feared that this prime minister was a very dangerous individual trigger happy psychopathic individual.  This is a worry when a former PM is worried.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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