Friday, June 13, 2014

Martin Bryant False Flag for the Aussie Guns

IMG 8796

 From Robbo's Facebook page
Yes he existed.. left HEAPS of money by his family that all died... had houses, cars.. travelled the world....
- a SOG member fired two stun grenades . NOT FLARES near the sea-scape café.
- 2 Female officers turned up on the MEDICAL chopper.. that " didn't allow weapons"
- weapons were already hidden under the tables in the café.
- men wearing bloke wigs running through the bushes
- man caught on TV footage leaving the scene in a car - rushed away.. wearing full army cammo and facepainted.
- newspapers changed the eyes of Bryant in the photos.
- cops of the town sent on a wild goose chase to all go track down some fake drugs in a park ... !!!! ( no drugs found.. took all the cops in town ?? )
- date is specific to the evil world banker / illuminati types that owned JOHN HOWARD at the time
- a state premier stating in parliament . that it would take a " Massacre in Tasmania" for the aussies to give up their guns !!!
- plus all the other shit in my pic....

WE WERE STOOGED TO HAVE OUR GUNS TAKEN AWAY !!! the AUSSIE SHEEPLE fell for it hook line and sinker
NOW !!! only the COPS and MILITARY have all the weapons.. WE ARE FUCKED !!!!!

WE WERE TRICKED TO THINK THE COPS AND ARMY ARE OK !!!! but are nothing more than foreign owned puppets !!!!

they are NOT public servants ... they work for an overseas owned CORPORATION !!!!

GET READY FOR THE AUSSIE REVOLUTION .. guna be rough with all our guns !!!!!
Robbo Da Yobbo
Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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