Friday, May 16, 2014

WE WON BENTLEY! Metgasco has a halt in Trading - ASZ

 Metgasco shares have been placed in a trading halt with the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)amidst masses of controversy over the license for  PEL 16 Rosella E01 - The Bentley coal seam gas site in NSW. 

Metgasco shares halted amid mine outcry

IMG 8384
Protectors opposite Gate A

The new Energy Minister Mr Anthony Roberts suspended Metgasco’s drilling permit to drill for Tight Sands Gas on Peter Graham’s farm at Bentley  Mr Roberts said he will be referring some aspects of Metgasco’s licence to ICAC.

Hearing those four letters mentioned, ICAC, was like music to thousands of peoples ears.  It has been difficult watching and reading and listening to the lies over the last two years since I first heard about Metgasco when they wanted to make Glenugie into a gasfield.

Many great and brave  people have kept vigil at the various gates at the Bentley blockade site and this has taken them out of their comfortable beds and away from families.  A lot of protecting has been done through really inclement weather and lots of mud.

The protectors and Simmos will be pleased to have such great news on a Friday just days before all hell was about to break loose with 800 plus PORS officers set to diverge on the site on Monday to clear the way for Metgasco.

The Police Association was instrumental in causing common sense to prevail regarding the police action and all day today it has been reported the police have been driving past honking horns and cheering out with messages like "YOU WON". 

Many were aware the Police in the Northern Rivers were unhappy about being ordered to participate in "Operation Stapler".   The man handling of 75 year old grandmothers and other ordinary people from the local towns and the farmers and the nurses etc etc was not what they joined the force for.  I think the union was very helpful.  I commend their all the members for voting it down'

The union had to take it  to the New Police Minister Stuart Ayers who would have then discussed it with New Premier Mike Beard  and to the New Energy Minister  Mr Anthony Roberts. All three positions recently being vacated by corrupt members of government in all of those portfolio's mentioned there.

Peter Graham the farmer who allowed Metgasco access to his property was still whinging today and waffling on to what ever cheap media would listen.  He is so out of touch to reality and he sounded immature and uneducated.   Peter Henderson Metgasco CEO was in damage control and looking very worried although he still spoke as if it would still happen.  I do not like Metgasco's chances, ICAC bound means the truth of the links to Disgraced politician Eddie Obeid and Australian Water Holdings and to Nic Di Girolamo, these connections are enough to put the full kaiwash on this ridiculous project.

Lock the Gate President Drew Hutton said he would like to see the licence cancelled.  Drew, so would we, so would we.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography
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