Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Bentley mine blockade - Democracy has finally erupted for all of Australia at Bentley NSW

IMG 8248
Franklins Ride for Bentley NSW against CSG!

Alan Jones - The Bentley mine blockade | 2GB
Quote - Alan Jones: “But can you believe that taxpayers’ money, up to
fourteen million dollars, would be spent, being sent to little Bentley,
eight hundred strong and a *riot* squad – and a riot squad – presumably
with the intention of arresting these people?
What kind of world are we in? As I said, mining by martial law,
defending an outfit, Metgasco, who are in breach on a million fronts of
their approval processes. They, they’ve been *found* guilty of shoddy
practice, torn liners in drilling waste ponds, operating holding ponds
without a current development consent, failure to comply with government
directives to provide details of water management practices, dumping
coal seam gas wastewater into the local sewage treatment works without
proper approval. How can you justify, Reverend Nightingale, spending
fourteen million dollars so that this mob can have their way?”

Reverend Nightingale: “Well it’s a ‘no brainer’ isn’t it, Alan.”

Alan Jones: “It *is*. Their operations, Metgasco’s, are currently under
investigation by the Mines Safety Unit and listen to this: following a
*dangerous* incident where *two hundred* metres of steel drill pipe was
forcibly ejected into the air during the decommissioning of one of their
Reverend Nightingale: “That’s right. And six men had to run for their lives.”


Images @ Eminpee Fotography
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