from Latin solus, meaning "alone", and ipse, meaning "self") is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. Spiritual Infancy.. Instead we have to grasp true objective reality. It exists and it could well be uncomfortable.

I was blessed with the love of Latin from an early age being in a class where the teacher was always referring to the Latin Root Meanings of words to enlarge our vocabulary. So when you do this as a normal thing then all words start to really have a new life. So the study for Truth has been just that, a new and exciting study on some of the words that we are told the meaning of all the while the true meaning is shrouded and secreted and the general population are unaware.
It is time to depart from the Solipsistic ways of our old thought processes and get real and strive for this for the good of the planet. It is now at this time of resonance and DNA Codices being re frequented so it is imperative to also raise awareness.
Departing from wrong ideologies and aligning with Truth will raise the resonance of the entire planet. The longer this takes the bigger mess there will be to clean up.
Solopsism academic definition . .Think of a room full of children let do what ever they wish with no concern, there is paint and crayons and paper and chaos. At some point some one child says NO! No more and intervenes because things are out of hand. Someone sees truth / sense in the matter that it was not good or right to for one child to make another child drink paint. A play date was a good idea but the rules of engagement were not followed.
This analogy is what is happening here on EARTH. We are presently that room of children and enough of us other kids are standing up now. We are saying NO this is no longer ok. We understand what you are doing and we are saying NO! When the correct number stand up then there will be a tipple in energy and they will no longer have power over us. (M. Peters)
As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure. The external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. As such it is the only epistemological position that, by its own postulate, is both irrefutable and yet indefensible in the same manner. Definition from Wikipedia
We have to be real about what is going on. This is objective reality. Rights should be based in truth and natural law.
Aligning our perception with reality raises our frequency. When we don't align with truth we are operating at a low frequency .. we are touching truth less frequently. The more often we align with the truth the higher we resonate as a being.
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