Friday, October 25, 2013

Upcoming Culture Ride . .

Back ... way back  there was the "Freedom Ride" of 1964 and 1965 was a significant event in the history of civil rights for Indigenous Australians.
Inspired by the Freedom Riders of the American Civil Rights Movement, students from the University of Sydney formed a group called the Student Action for Aboriginals, led by Charles Perkins (the first Australian Aborigine to graduate tertiary education) among others, and traveled into New South Wales country towns on what some of them considered a fact-finding mission.

What they encountered was de facto segregation; the students protested, picketed, and faced violence, raising the issue of indigenous rights. They commonly stood protesting for hours at segregated areas such as pools, parks and pubs which raised a mixed reception in the country towns. Australia overwhelmingly passed a 1967 referendum removing discriminatory sections from the Australian Constitution and enabling the federal government to take direct action in Aboriginal affairs.

IMG 9929 Uluru Dreaming 2012


Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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