Monday, October 28, 2013

The Issue around Marijuana in Australia.

Marijuana has been found to suppress cancer, reduce blood pressure, treat glaucoma, alleviate pain and even inhibit HIV. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuron-protective. 

Still in 2013 this plant is illegal in Australia.  This never bothered me before but now I am approaching my senior years I am and I think that there is enough evidence to say that this should no longer be illegal!   I want this law situation to change in my life time.  How can we do this?   I want Australia to stop following the United States like they are the Nerd country of the world.  They present jack shit.  They know more but they do not tell this to their citizens.  Largely what happens over there is the citizens are fed lies and these same lies are fed to the entire world.  It is very very wrong.

I want to be able to freely treat my ailments and the ailments of others of mine who are friends like I have always done with other herbs and plants that are inherently medicine and should be treated as such.    I do know that this plant has been known since ancient times to cure many strange things including cancer and it has had a variant of amazing uses of the centuries.

I have been studying the uses of Marijuana since I was 16 years old which is approximately 38 years now.  I know that it can calm you down a great deal and make you start to think more clearer when things get really hectic from the sadness of past experiences.   I never ever wanted to take medication for what has happened to me,  I have never trusted this as a way of getting through.  I do not want to load my body with so much chemical as to take pills.  I want to legally take THC as a medicine!

I know this is a natural plant substance and therefore I do not think they are telling the truth at all to any of us ordinary folk in Mr and Mrs Joe Bloggs Land.  The authorities say it causes schizophrenia and I disagree with this because I personally think it cures schizophrenia. 

There is an issue with Hydroponically grown plants because people are in this for the money and not for the health and they do not flush the chemicals from the plants for a length of time to take away some of the hazards from this.  This is a huge concern and should not be confused with plants that are grown in the bush under the good old Sun.   This is where health and hazard lie and this needs to be confronted honestly as well by authorities.

The issue is the medication people have taken previous.  This changes everything!  If the person is not responding well one would need to look if there ever has been a time when these SSRI's were taken?  When you take this you change your metabolism forever and so therefore I do not wish to fall into that category of dangerous use. 

I have found in the past that Cannibus has been a life saver for me in times past.  I never really wanted to take any harder drugs simply because I had smoked pot.  I took harder drugs because life got harder not because the pot was not doing it for me.   That was never the case in my situation.   When I was young, I took harder drugs because at that time I really had no desire to live.  I had so much pain on the inside I thought I would turn inside out and there was a time that I did need to have that feeling numbed down.  

Once again I was self medicating.  I knew that I would get through and that largely the issues here were with other people and not really with myself.  Once I was free of that issue I simply went back to smoking cannabis again.

I have been before the judge on about seven occasions now for smoking pot,  these laws are largely ridiculous as I do not wish harm to anyone and I only want to take care of myself.  I feel very frustrated about this because the date says 2013 and in the 1970's I was convinced we would have this legalized by 1990.

SAM 8413.1 Knitting Nana Sting at the Rally

What happened?  How is this still illegal?   Even in New Zealand you can grow your own chemical free Tobacco but here in Australia they are money hungry greedy bastards and you can't even do this.  You are bound by what they offer legally speaking and you have no choice really.  If you want to read some more about how the situation is in America go to Banoosh.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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