Sunday, October 06, 2013

Sacred Merkaba

Sacred Geometry acts as a Divine Matrix permeating the energy fields within and around the Planet Earth.

Symbols of Mu 

This has been called the Divine Matrix.  This matrix holds the shape of Tetrahedrons which in turn create the Merkaba, which is a Star Tetrahedron.

This is a beautiful and perfect shape.  It actually rotates perfectly directing the energy while simultaneously creating a healthy Consciousness in the energy fields around you.

IMG 2672.1 Amazing shapes

These frequencies also activate the Torus regenerating field around your heart and this is our connection.  Just because we cannot see this does not mean it isn't there.

People talk about their personal space.  Well,  this is your personal space alright, it is your own universe that you are in charge of.  We can either fall in line with the patterns or we can think too high and think we don't need to understand this.

 IMG 3806 Hello Mr Sol

From ancient times this knowledge has been beneficial to all those whose ears seek to listen and whose minds are ready for the knowledge held for such a time as this as we move into the new light that is shining down upon us now.

IMG 2672.2

Now is the time for a beautiful change to take place in what ever shape and form it comes in, the earth is desiring to realign herself to herself once again.  Like how we like to regroup, Earth is in the process of re-grouping to save herself from all those that seek to destroy her.

  Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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