Tuesday, October 01, 2013

CSG Well High Risk Work Places

A preliminary report by the NSW Mine Safety Investigation Unit released by the O'Farrell Government yesterday found "workers were exposed to "very high" risk of harm after 200m of steel pipes and other objects were ejected from the well with "powerful force".
IMG 3700 Mining Vehicles
Metgasco Vehicle

Peter Henderson is not ever going to say that his company is as dodgy as hell and is a stranded asset.   He wants the share holders to think they are Mickey Mouse but they are definitely Dodgy Bros extraordinaire.
"Metgasco has huge (gas) reserves and they are basically saying they will mothball the project until the O'Farrell policy is clear," Mr Vaughan said. "We don't pay someone (CEO) $700,000 to close down a company."
Mr Vaughan said Metgasco was a $151 million company with about 50 staff when chief executive Peter Henderson joined the company. He said it now had about 10 staff.
Sounds like the share holders are not happy with what they have been told by the CEO Henderson at all and that there is a planned take over in the wind.  

"The report found the incident occurred due to an "unplanned release of gas at high pressure" and that some of the steel piping was "ejected over the drill pad fence into the neighboring paddock".
The  report also found the well had suffered a "loss of integrity", with gas under pressure allowed to migrate between the inside and outside of production casing, which Metgasco had known about before the explosion.
The report was seized on by anti coal-seam gas groups as evidence the NSW government's proposal to prevent operations within 2km of residential areas -- opposed by Metgasco and others in the sector -- was justified.
Lock the Gate Alliance co-ordinator Carmel Flint said: "This really illustrates why it is so important to put exclusion zones around residential areas. It shows how important it is to put better controls on this industry before it gets rammed through in NSW."
Metgasco chief Peter Henderson rejected suggestions the incident supported the government's push for exclusion zones.
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Carmel Flint
"All industries have accidents from time to time; aircraft and hospitals have accidents," Mr Henderson said. "We investigate it, understand why the incident occurred and establish what can be done to prevent it occurring in the future."  Extract from the Australian
Peter Henderson and Metgasco are just like the rest of these companies telling people what they want to here and placating the populace at large.

To a large degree most of the Northern Rivers area do not believe the hype and spin that this company purports to any degree.

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Water is Life

There will be an increased fight to stop them in this area and it is clear the line was already drawn in the sand with this a year ago nearly now.   Glenugie and Doubtful Creek showed Metgasco that the people were not going to take this desecration lying down.

Images @  Eminpee Fotography

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