Friday, September 06, 2013

Orbs of energy... what are they?

IMG 1741.1 Puple Flowers
Orb type spiral light energy
Invisible subtle energy occurs around us all of the time, and is measurable by science.  For instance the Orb phenomena.  The high incidence of these appearing in photographs taken at large megalith sites is fascinating.  This shows that there is a high concentration of electrical energy surrounding some of the ancient monoliths on the planet. These orbs are seen more in flash photography and are often written off as dust or particles in the air.

English: Street light orbs Polski: Efekt orb, ...
English: Street light orbs Polski: Efekt orb, nieostre światła latarni ulicznych (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

No one really knows what Orbs are. The best explanation is they are balls of electrified  or ionized air that tend to hang together.  A good analogy would be ball lightening, where the air is simply so electrified that the molecules are excited enough to glow. 

English: The image of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)...
English: The image of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) at age 23. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Other evidence shows that there is energy is occurring naturally everywhere on the planet that our science knows about but seems to ignore.  Nicola Tesla sought to provide the world with free wireless electricity for everyone on Earth.  He discovered that electricity occurred naturally throughout the Earths atmosphere and ground.  The Telluric currents in the ground that John Burke (Seed of Knowledge) discussed and the electricity present that is present in the atmosphere which is ionized by the sun. Tesla developed ways to harness those energies.  Tesla knew about this and he did not take the advantage like Edison did,  Edison was an opportunist.

English: The photograph image of Nikola Tesla ...
English: The photograph image of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) at age 34. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Tesla wanted to harness the Natural Energy that exists everywhere on Earth and make it free to the public.  Edison created electricity and became very rich by creating a regulated monopoly for profit with his explosion electricity.

Thomas Edison and his early phonograph. Croppe...
Thomas Edison and his early phonograph. Cropped from Library of Congress copy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Between 1901 and 1917 a radio tower was constructed on Long Island as a wireless broadcasting system for telephone and electrical signals.  It was constructed on an aquifer with descending passage ways and tunnels beneath it and at the time very few understood how it worked.  Nicola Tesla's funding was ultimately dropped by J P Morgan because Tesla wanted this wireless electricity to be free and therefore JP Morgan could not make a profit so even though Nicola Tesla's genius was seen by many, he was still driven into relative obscurity.

Tesla's Wardenclyffe plant on Long Island in p...
Tesla's Wardenclyffe plant on Long Island in partial stage of completion. Work on the -foot-diameter (0 m) cupola had not yet begun. There is a coal car parked next to the building. From this facility, Tesla hoped to demonstrate wireless transmission of electrical energy across the Atlantic. Circa 1902. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The energy to create free wireless energy has always existed on our planet and it still exists today.  This isn't the only energy either because it is in rivers, tsunamis, wind and frequencies etc and this energy is called implosion energy as apposed to explosion energy which is the type of electricity widely used at present.

Subtle energy is based on different technology to explosion energy and its not the kind of energy that pollutes and it was a completely passive energy that has no by products and the energy we use today is generated by combustion and is non renewable and this explosion energy leaves exhaust and pollution and our system is based on this energy.  This is why the petrol industry is so expensive.  The implosion energy consists of solar panels and wind power is clean and renewable.  You need the beam of the sun on running water that runs in a zig zag fashion for this to occur  (not a straight line).

In addition to the limestone aquifers underneath the pyramids there is evidence of a network of  man made tunnels.   The locals know about these as it was their playing yard and they swam and explored them at great length as children do.  This is obviously one way of creating energy.

IMG 2543 

So, if the pyramid fields of the band of peace and the network of underground tunnels are still there, then why are they not still producing energy like they did in the past?   The condition of the pyramids and the smooth outer covering stones are the reason.  It leaks now, but even though this has been severely weakened from it original form there are still many reports of electricity being quite real there now. 

Back in the 1880's  Seimens and Englishman and a pioneer in electricity.   Seimens incidentally, has a unit of electrical resistance named after him and used still today.  This man Seimens stood on top of one of the great pyramids and produced the first LADEN JAR by improvisation.  He stood a top of the great structure and did this  in the 1880's.   He used a wine bottle that was wrapped in wet newspaper and he held it above his head until it sparked.  He was accused of using witchcraft as he accidentally touched an Arab guide and knocked him unconscious and after this they quickly fled the area.

Then there is the Schist Disk that was found by by Dr Walter Henri, It was found at Saqqara.  The disc shows clear knowledge of sophisticated technology.  See this link for more information on this "SCHIST DISK" = This peculiar object created 5,000 years ago appears to be part of a component of an ancient unknown advanced mechanism that was most assuredly in my opinion a component of producing energy in the distant past.

The ornamental tri-lobed bowl has a maximum diameter of 61 cm and a maximum height of 10 cm (Emery 1949). Since originally found crushed it has been restored, and is now on display in the Cairo Museum (JE71295, Fig. 4).
The Schist Disc
 This is a link to the Australian Geo Science page to research Limestone in Australia and the possibilities of utilizing a similar set up designed to meet Australia's needs using what we already have available here.

Images of Flowers with Orbs @ Eminpee Fotography

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