Sunday, September 15, 2013

Memoireez ... Bloody Monday ... Glenugie

Still not sure why we were not allowed to stop them at the beginning of the Avenue.


I pulled my car out in front and stopped them at 5.30am in the morning, only to be told by a middle aged, olive skinned man  in a little hat, who spoke with an accent that I would up set them and all of their plans if I did this.   

Whose plans was I upsetting? Still to this day, no one can answer that question. All Christmas when there were only 7 people there at the Glenugie blockade minding the entire place and staying vigilant 24/7 and that was myself included, this is what was said to me that  I was to do if I was in the position which I found myself in at dawn that fateful morning.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography
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