Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The Sun gives off a fast energy.

The energy and radiation given off by the sun is a very fast energy.  Our bodies simply crave this type of energy.  On another note the body also needs the slow lunar energy that is given off by light hitting the moon and beaming down on us that way especially during the full moon.
The Suns power to use the Moon is such a way to evoke such high tides etc is also proof the CME's emitted by the sun have a marked effect on the timing of Earthquakes in some places>

Given that Earthquakes are now largely man made from the process of mining called Hydraulic Fracturing it is difficult to know which one is causing the quake.  No CME then it is a mining incident.  CME  it is the Sun that caused the Quake.  Its a hypothesis worth looking at.   All involving the study of Electromagnetic Energy.  I constantly hear that we live in an electric universe.

IMG 5141 Galaxy
My artwork depicting the Sun and the Universe.
Images @ Melonpopzdropz  Flickr

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