Good Morning ..
Thanks heaps for coming out this morning nice and early and especially the elderly and those with children and a huge thank you to You Uncle Tom for opening for country.
My name is Mary-Ellen Peters,
I'm a local radio programmer at 2bbb
I'm a concerned Mother
and,I'm an advocate for our PLANET.
Today, I am going to speak to you briefly about Monsanto / GM Cereal Crops and the specific connection to the CSG industry in N.S.W as we speak!
The information may shock some and others will be up to speed on the dilemma.
I'll open by quoting the DEA ,who are Doctors for the Environment AUSTRALIA.
"The health factors are ignored by industry, and completely overlooked by governments at both a State and a Federal level. Failures to prevent pollution and protect human health is creating a costly legacy for Australia. the "DEA", argue that proper "health impact assessments" and "national oversight" of the mining industry at every stage is crucial and long overdue."I want to highlight those words "NATIONAL OVERSIGHT" - yes! a watch dog is definitely necessary.
I'm here today to show my support for this world wide action MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO
and to let the world know I saw no to the US MONSANTO PROTECTION ACT and YES to clear labeling of all modified foods and to sign a petition to our government saying this. We want to let them know how we feel
Enough is enough.!
To tie the 2 subjects I mentioned together I will firstly summarise the Csg Industry for some background on WATER ( the blood of our planet)...
Coal and gas licenses or applications already cover more than half of Australia. Its big folks.
Hydraulic fracturing or "FRACKING" of the coal seam is done by pumping la huge volume of water sand and BTEX Chemicals at high pressure down the well into the seam ....
this causes the coal seam to fracture.
The left over water extracted during this operation is referred to as “produced or used water”.
it's salty and contains toxic, radioactive compounds and some heavy metals.
Once the water has been extracted it's stored in ineffective holding ponds at well sites then trucked to a water treatment facility. The holding ponds are ineffective as they often leak and leech their toxic bootee into the soil.
The CSIRO says, “The quality of the produced water varies from site to site, and it is generally not fit for human consumption.”
REMEMBER THAT POINT .... its important Not fit for human consumption.
I would like now to enlighten you to these facts regarding Cereal GMO crops that are Monsanto Round Up Ready and engineered genetically so they are salt tolerant crops
Do you think this is just a coincidence? That part of the equation we may never know.
How things change fast. For the first time in NSW the produced salty water the CSIRO report as unfit for human consumption from deep in those coal seams is now being blended with fresh water and used for irrigation purposes and this is happening at Gloucester just west of Taree on AGL ENERGY Limited's Tiedemans Road property there.
By all accounts they are up to some pretty crazy stuff on their AGL "Fracking Farms" as I call these.
and quoting the Gloucester Advocate here : Mr John Ross AGL's HYDROGEOLOGY Manager said he is very pleased with the trial so far.
The crops AGL are trialling are GENETICALLY MODIFIED to deal with the saline,......
and whacky doo its also Round up Ready.
TRITICAL and Lucerne. crops are being irrigated with this saline water, and there is a second trial set for Chicory and Red Clover. All watered with this toxic saline water mixture.
So what is TRITICAL? It is a GM Crop: It is Wheat crossed with Rye. Two completely different cereal crops. 2 different proteins. Rye is the more salt tolerant of the two
Back In 2006 Countries all around the world vowed they would never grow TRITICAL because of the dangerous Genetic Modifications now AGL are adding to those dangers by adding this toxic saline water to the GMO recipe.
AGL's website clearly tells us their plans. They plan to feed this grain to stock. The type of stock that if the trial is considered a success will end up meat from feed lots.
Now its coming together isn't it".
Engineering plant proteins animals and humans ingest as part of the food chain changes DNA and how we cope with illness and how our immune system reacts. Our DNA is protein.
I'm aware as you are that the rates of cancer and immunodeficient illnesses has been on a dramatic rise since the early Nineteen eighties..
Please join me in saying no to these types of trials continuing with the used saline mining water.
its not rocket science ..this is a minefield excuse the expression.
Where is this going? Intent on solving the food crisis it will be fed to humans by proxy via the meat breads and syrups, all the time still telling us it is good for us. I want to mention here this is what the DEA are talking about / there is a huge gaping hole in the NATIONAL OVERSIGHT of this in Australia.
The Fluoride issue was similar.
Advocating for the planet now, I envisage an end to the use of GLYPHOSATE entirely. Humanity is now subject to environmental modification by mining and crop engineering. This changes our personal health and our way of living. It's a manipulative technology with a controlled outcome.
It is important for me to get this out there into the wider community. These two very vile industries are confusing, inefficient, uneconomic and its unethical science and I'm sure this is something you would all be concerned about.
The power is in your pockets to say no. You are the consumers.
I thank you for listening to me today and I wish you all well. Please check the petition before you leave it is located over there.
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Awesome warriors for the planet ... the guys from Icegraffic / Emma and Steve who have given their hearts to the planet both of them sold on her absolute beauty and so together we join in one mind right across the planet, one heart to see her soils become rich again. Her waters to flow free and clean and for the animals to know we are their friends and they will know by our heart energy.
MENTION THE PLEDGE There is a pledge you can all take and it is the "Call to country" at Lock the Gate Alliance website / It is a petition you can download print out leave at various locations and when filled there are clear address instructions for postage.
Call to Country
Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr
nice one mary elllen get the word out there..x
Hey there.. yes I don't ever miss an opportunity like that.. hope you don't mind. What a successful day really. Good to have one heart to day with the entire world the same.
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