Sunday, May 05, 2013

CARBON 12... the basic building block of all life

The Suns influence is responsible for the radioactive elements on earth.   It was found that strange emissions as in CME's Coronal Mass Ejections are causing matter to mutate on Earth.  The CME's  influence on elements such as Carbon 14 has been worrisome and unexpected. 
Carbon 12 is the most abundant form of carbon on the planet accounting for about 99% of all known forms of carbon.   It is the Isotope of Carbon which is 6 Electrons 6 Neutrons and 6 Protons, 666 does that sound familiar.  

After oxygen the second most abundant element is Carbon 12.   After Hydrogen Helium and oxygen gasses, carbon 12 is the most abundant element in the universe and it is one of the five elements that make up human DNA.   It is our number we are the beast and this ties us to the physical universe.  
Carbon 12 is transmutable.  

The secret that is coming to light is CARBON 7.   6 Protons 6 electrons and 1 Neutron. It is the material equivalent of the Kundalini system as well as Metatromes cube.  Like iron has the ability of sustaining a magnetic field around it,  Carbon 7 has the uncanny ability to carry hyper dimensional fields such as fields of thought around not dissimilar to how iron amplifies magnetic fields.  It is evident in the brains of spiritual adepts.   This breaks down so quickly. 

Knowledge in the wrong hands is always dangerous.   We are now at the threshold of the shift and all secrets need to be revealed now.
The atomic structures revealed in the 661  carbon combination are shown in Michelangelo's Last Supper painting with 6 disciples on either side of the One (Jesus).

Australia has a Carbon Tax.  This is taking the mark of the beast into your body fully!  We all are apart of this tax and the only way to avoid this is to overthrow the government and to do it soon.
Humanity cannot sustain this any longer.

This is the time for the great change to occur.  The time for manifesting what is required is here and it will be a time where money will be useless to everyone.  The greedy ones amongst us will fall down and they don't get back up again.  They will not survive this next change.  You cannot eat fifty dollar notes.

IMG 4903 Montana-Star 

Images @ Melonpopzdropz  Flickr

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