Monday, April 29, 2013

Rigs are popping up like Hot Bread Kitchens in the Gloucester and surrounding areas of NSW.

12 Wells already fracked.  Plans for 110 Csg Wells right in front of these houses and that is with a matching open cut coal mine right in their faces as well.  Australia has to stand up and stand together on this issue.  This cannot go ahead.   If it does then you can say we have sold out for money as there is nothing in this agreement that looks after the future for future generations.

IMG 9789 Gloucester under Siege
Forbesdale ....  all of the land in the foreground is earmarked for a large open cut mine called the Rocky Creek Mine.  110 Coal Seam Gas Wells are also planned for this same area you can see here.
 There are too many groups trying to administer the change at Gloucester as well.  It is a well known tactic to divide and conquer.  Set up six groups and let the people do this dividing for themselves is what mining companies want.  They cannot then be held accountable if the people do this. 

The people need to start thinking on their feet.  This is not the way to go. You cannot trust these companies or the State Governments regarding Mining.  There is enough proof already in that they operate in ways that are clearly corrupt and it is collusion and it involves Sydney Gas as well.  It is a dirty business.  I would be ashamed to be involved if I was any of them.  

Our Federal Government can only get involved where there is a pollution issue but somehow the federal government are not seeing the blatant evidence put forward by independent bodies.  Instead Julia is preferring to use the data produced in collusion with mining companies.  That is real smart NOT!

The people are stirring to attention and the government has angered such a wide spectrum of the communities and the reason its worse is because there is no politicians out there worth voting for on any of the parties and that is clearly evident.  The people are massing together because there is no one to vote for.  They created such a monster none of us want to even be apart of this.
Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr
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