Thursday, March 21, 2013

What happened to KRUDDY today?

Today was a strange day in politics.  It was rumored there would be a leadership spill and that Julia would be getting toppled.  I heard about it from all differing sources all week.   Today in the party room Julia stood and was victorious 71 -73 votes after former Labor leader Simon Crean showed his hand and then was sacked for his efforts.
  A lot of us are in shock at this result because we want her gone. 

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Au...
Has it occurred to the masses that we never voted for her and therefore she is not our intended leader. Kevin Rudd was the man Australia voted for.  Why he doesn't get the numbers in the party is a direct indication that the politicians do not support the people and the people's views.  If they did represent us all  this would have been a differing result in the  Party room numbers and Kevin would now be our Prime Minister.
English: Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gil...
Julia is a quasi woman,  one who is just not quite one but shows some female attributes.  Like a desire to play with her hair color.  Don't let the pretty colors fool you.  Just like the Popes wear RED Slippers to signify the slaughterings ( Sacrifices)  Julia Gillard wears her hair as red as she can to symbolize that she is up to her ear holes in the slaughter of ordinary Australians and their peaceful way of life.

I personally would like to see a RUDD versus HOCKEY parliament.  I think they are both reasonable people and would make fair political opponents as well

Images @ Melopopzdropz Flickr
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