Sunday, November 18, 2012

Atlantis & 2012 Dr. Christian Von Lahr

English: Pangea animation
English: Pangea animation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Atlantis & 2012 Dr. Christian Von Lahr

Dr. Christian von Lähr is a modern day Seer, whose clairvoyant medium-ship inspires through connections from the Higher Planes of Existence; one’s Higher Self or Soul; Ascended Masters, Prophets and Saints; Master and Teacher Guides; and a sitters crossed-over family and friends — to include influencing ‘spirit’ who’s attendance is necessary to deliver urgent messages.

His sage advice and visions draw from the highest realm he can draw from for any individual Sitter. Often entertaining, usually prophetic, and always eminently important to the current needs of the person being read, he brings the messages and connections that need to be delivered. Christian is a most welcome, and much anticipated visiting Seer and Clairvoyant Medium who travels the country participating in most popular New Age, and Mind, Body, Spirit type Expositions.

Atlantis & 2012

In this interview he discusses the history of Atlantis and how it ties in with 2012 prophecies, and coming climate and Earth changes. He posited that the lost continent of Atlantis was actually Pangea, the super-continent that existed millions of years ago, and that was how the Atlantean culture easily spread because the land mass was interconnected.

We don’t see the direct remains of Atlantis because its main sections were sunk under land masses, through the splitting of the tectonic plates, he explained. Parts of Atlantis are located under the Andes Mountains in South America, and the Himalayas in Tibet, he continued. 2012 is a highly important juncture, marking the “midpoint” of human existence, and according to ancient texts “when we reach this point it means that all the major lessons that were necessary for man to serve his purpose will have been learned,” said von Lahr, who noted this would be a time for spiritual progression.

The Atlanteans reached such a midpoint, shifting from androgynous type-beings to male and female, so that they could further evolve, he detailed. 

This is a very interesting thing to read or learn more of!  The rise and fall of man is like the in and out of tides and the breath.  Once by fire and then water and back again fire and then water and so on for eternity.  The fire and the water actually re balance the earth again to continue in the universe.


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