Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Frayed Angels.

8821- Crystal Christos

The frayed angels shed their wings and descend into earth’s turmoil
Burying their sunlight in a cloth of sleek and willing flesh
that... incomplete forever
wanders the thirsty deserts of unrequited desire

In dreams sometimes we touch that place of peace where longing ends
Where the long road of countless sleeps beckons into the cross roads of awakening

The punishment of separation ends the slaughter of innocence
the ravaged hearts and faces of those who lost their love
there is nothing in this life so sweet
as the touch ... the embrace of one who has come across all the vastness of lifetimes
To lie tranquil in your arms
It is as close to paradise as we are permitted to come here...

The casual couplings
The lust of power to possess  are only shadows of this love
Ceremonies of torment and loss
For the more one desires
The greater the effort to have and discard
The greater the distance from ones own heart
Every living thing struggles to hold to that one memory of themselves which the candle of love burned
however briefly... brightly

All doubt and hate are merely faith and love suppressed
And the inability to love
Worse than any death

Death being only the boat that sails us through and into the fields of eternal peace
not even the worst of us can avoid this forever
it for this mercy alone that forever exists

There is nothing that you can do for which he will not forgive you

I wish only that I might linger all of my days in love
Forging that bond that spans all time and change
and washes away for all time
The weakness and stupidities of my fear

which is all that has ever stood between me and the ones I loved

that has made a lie so many times Of the living truth
I AM Like all of you
An embodiment of god

All possibilities at birth were delivered into our hands
yet we give ourselves into subjugation to our servants for ridicule and confinement

Cast out from the castles  from where we as kings and queens ruled all things
...from within the temple of the heart
Cast out into the trackless wastes of our own confusions,
.. amnesia driven hungry and alone
While those created to serve us spill our wine,
eat our food
and laugh at the ignorance  that has closed our eyes to the beauty of ourselves

Never again will I let myself be tormented by fear
the love killer ....the life killer

Death of a sort comes to us all
No matter who we are we cannot escape that
We can only accept and wonder
To whom did it happen?

Let go all chains that hold the image down
Earth does not speak unless the spirit flames these times in which we live
Dance like some drunken jester on the edge of the abyss
Great things are within our reach even as we wait,
we can see...  the first glimmer of that dawn
..for which so long we have waited to see.

It has nearly broken me...
But nothing is beyond repair

Truly let this moment be your last moment of regret
Let your heart see that you have not touched the best times yet
Take back your wings no longer frayed and fallen
let us rise and soar as if no one had ever gone before.
Poetry is written by Les Visible
The Frayed Angels.Visible Stream of Consciousness

The Rant on how this effects us..  straight from my heart of hearts...

WHAT WILL BECOME OF ME!   I ask for strength from my angels now and to please lift me up and hold me tight and not to let me go now. Help me to make this my last moment of regret.  Help me to unfold my wings from their crushed exile contorted and twisted from the pain of existence. Help me to fly free in my spirit and to love and be loved and to make this world a brighter place with no more war.  Unfolding I am becoming illuminated and golden and I am not afraid of the light.  I am not afraid of Love.

Image by Mezza - Montana's Angel Chrystal
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Anonymous said...

May I ask you to name the author of this great work?

MEP said...

The link to the Author and article are at the end. You may have missed this - perhaps I should place this at the top. Thank you.