Monday, April 02, 2012

Yay the time on the clock is back to normal

Up here On the hill the sun is now coming up at the same time but the clock will say something else! It will be the same as my northern friends further up there in Queensland.

 Alignment is a good thing. It keeps us aligned and not maligned.

It is still dark longer in the morning and it gets dark at tea time when it is supposed to and I write often how I feel that this confuses our bodies and that we as humans don't all respond beautifully and bounce back like a hydrated flower to the fray.

 Some of us never seemingly recover.  To me it feels like a constant state of being dragged this way and that in your head.  Could all of this come from purely having your sleep patterns played around with twice a year!  Being made to fit into a world that really does not respond to hormonal changes brought on by light, sound, heat, cold or all of these.

We really are not nice to ourselves.  This is hideous what we allow to go on and what we allow to affect our children.  We allow all of it.  We do this because we don't stop it.  I am going to make a list of ways that this can be avoided and how a human being can beat the rap that Daylight Saving can leave on the body.

The first thing on my list is to make sure I allow this change to occur in increments smaller than an hour.  I think a change of ten minutes a day over 6 days is more favourable than a straight hour just being lumped on us.  We really need to do this on a personal level. 

Did anyone question the safety of doing such a thing?  Or did they just accept that it was all alright and that it was perfectly harmless.  Anything that messes with your body clock and your internal rhythms isn't harmless.  It should be viewed seriously, it effects the hormonal switches in your body which in turn effect your general health and well being!

Image by Mezza -  Dawn in Urunga

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