Monday, April 09, 2012

Feel Your Feelings, But Don’t Believe Them.

Adopt a pet.  Pets on the whole give you an unlimited amount of attention and love. I know this on a very personal level.   I have a dog and a cat and the love they bestow on us is just a beautiful thing,  It has been said this is comforting and  healing.  I probably couldn't do it with out their love.

Another way of making something different is to change your entire look. get a new hairstyle or color.

Sunset over a town I lived in once.
Buy some new cloths and feel your spirit change. Move your bedroom around, this can change the energy in your special revival space.  These are ways of relieving endless monotony! 

I have a monotony of loss, grief and sadness and I must do somethings on a regular basis  to alleviate this.  I am going away in just over twenty days to Uluru and I will feel the spirit people there in that place  and they will speak harshly to my spirit to pull it into line.  
The spiritual nature of this attack has been classic.  This happens a lot to people but it can be alleviated.  The sense of belonging is more than necessary to this. 
My own children treat this like it is something that is  normal.  This is tyranny.  The sadness should not be visited on any mother who has loved their children and a mother who wanted them so much and wanted a yummy happy life for them.   
This was not to be, not for me anyway.    I was hooked up to a man who was the epitome of selfishness.  He had many sexual affairs and was having one with a girl when my son Jesse was born.  She chased him to Bellingen to tell him of his son who is a few months older than our son.

The lesson in this is to get out quick when your spirit tells you to.  Your spirit is connected to God and the universe and is never wrong. 

Image by Mezza - Sunset at Bellingen bridge.

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